Chapter 29

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Third PoV

"How are you feeling Midoriya? Any pain?" Hari asked the boy that was swinging on the swing as he leaned against the tree. The young boy turned his head to look over at Hari, "I'm good, no pain, Kai healed up my wings." He smiled at the man as he swung back and forth.

"Would you like to try some training? Learn to use your wings better? We have plenty of time." The arrow haired man asked Izuku. When Izuku heard the offer he perked up, his swinging legs stopping and his heals dig into the ground, "Really?! You'd help me train?!" He asked and he hopped off the swing excitedly which caused Hari to chuckle, "Sure kiddo, but that has to go through Kai first, relax for now."

His words caused Izuku to pause and think for a moment before nodding and returning to the swing. Hari went back to daydreaming and listening to the air moving as the swing moved by.

A few minutes later they could hear a knock on the wall, just loud enough to grab their attention, they turn their heads in the direction of the noise and Hari smiles at the stoic woman.
"Ado-san, what brings you here?" Hari asks, a little confused since she was supposed to be out with Kai.
"Chisaki-san has sent me to grab Midoriya and call you over to his location, he needs a little help." She stated in a way that shows that he's needed to do some dirty work at which he nods before turning to Izuku.
"Go with Ado-san, will you Midoriya?" He asks and Izuku nods, hopping off the swing and walking over to the woman with Hari who takes a piece of paper from her and leaves.

"Come on Midoriya, let's get you some food.."

~In Nezus' office~

"Still no luck?"
"Unfortunately not, there's a lot of people to go through and most that we have investigated are either still in prison or rehabilitated."
Aizawa clicks his tongue annoyed at the news, the lack of information was driving him insane, so was trying to keep Hisashi away from the police station, it was quickly pushing his buttons.

"Tea?" Asked the Chimera as he placed a cup of it in Aizawas lap without waiting for an answer, he too was getting impatient and that was evident in the stack of teacups by his desk.
Aizawa sighed as he accepted the tea, taking a sip before turning his eyes up to look at the rat, "This is driving us all mad, there's no sign of the boy, even in the underground, we've searched it thoroughly and no one has a winged boy on sale."
"The persons who kidnapped him have a good hiding spot and hackers, they've covered all of their tracks."
"And they have a brutal way of disposing of traitors." He mutters under his breath as he remembers the exploded body that he had found.

"When was the last time you've slept? You're up all day here and at the station, yet at night you're doing your hero's job. You're overworking yourself. How do you expect to save the boy if you can't think straight?" Aizawa looks at Nezu with an offended gaze,
"I don't think that's any of your business Nezu."
"But I think it is, I am your boss but im also your friend, you shouldn't be working yourself to the ground, think about Shinso-kun." Nezus words caused Aizawa to look away from him annoyed. He knew it was true, he couldn't keep this up, if not for his sake then for his family's sake.

"I'll be going now." Aizawa said as he stood from his seat, placing the empty cup on the desk.
"Smart choice Shota, get some rest." Nezu said as he watched the man walk out of his office for the day.

~Back to the Shie Hissaikai~

The lady was walked Izuku to the dinner hall, it was empty at this time, one a few staff members scattered about. She ushered him into a seat and walked over to the chefs, asking for his meal that had been specially prepared just for him with love. She took the tray and placed it in front of the boy,
"Thank you ma'am." He says as he picks up his chop sticks, pressing his hands together before hesitantly picking up the food,
"Don't worry too much, eat as much as you can, no one is forcing you to eat the whole plate. You just need to eat something or the boss will have my head." She states mostly monotonous but her eyes hide a glint of amusement as she watches him take his first bite.

"Is it good?" She asks, her nonchalant facade not dropping as she sits next to the boy, as he eats and nods politely.
Her hand finds itself in his feathers as he starts swaying, his chop sticks dropping from his hand as he tries to catch himself on the table. "W-what..?"

IM SO SORRY THAT THIS TOOK SO LONG! I had major writers and art block because of school and such, hope this chapter is up to standards!
Psycho~Chan~ Out~

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