Chapter 18

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Finally added music! Anyone recommend any songs?
Time skip to the beans birthday
Beanz PoV

It's 3am again, well that's what the clock says I think? I'm not the best with clocks. I've got a room now it's really big, I don't deserve it. I'm a waste of space why would they give me a room? They probably don't wanna see me that's why they gave it to me so I wouldn't be in their way.

I get out of bed and walk up to the window. It's a full moon today, it's really pretty. I stare at the sky for a bit before I go to the kitchen say hello to Aizawa and make myself a coffee. Aizawa taught me how to make myself a coffee that's not too bitter or sweet for me.

"Still getting nightmares?" I nod.
"Wanna talk about them or is it still too sore of a topic?"
"Well I guess I could say a bit about them"
"Don't force yourself to." I nod and sat down by the table with my coffee in front of me.
"Most of them are flashbacks but some a-are about h-her"  I start crying lightly and Aizawa hugs me.
"Hey, it's okay Izu." I wrap my wings around both of us.

When I calmed down we finished out coffee and Aizawa took me to the park for our morning training. I can now fly. A bit. After 10 minutes I get tired and fall out of the sky or pass out so that's a bit of a pain.

After each training session we get back to the house by the rooftops. Aizawas been challenging me more in that station as according to him I'm doing too well. I can also stand the sight of a few weapons but definitely not a whip, hammer or a bat. I'm fine with a bo staff because I know how to use it.

We got back home a little later than usual so when we walked in pa-Mic was burning down the kitchen and Shinsou was just sitting on the counter watching the chaos unfold. Aizawa ran into the kitchen took the food off the stove, while whacking Mics on the head, and opened the window as fast as he could. Hitoshi started laughing and I gave out a little giggle.

"That was a nice way to come back home, don't you think Aizawa?" Aizawa turned and glare at me and I stiffened,
"s-sorry sir" and bowed. When I said that Aizawa immediately stopped glaring at me and hugged me. "Sorry Izu, I didn't mean to scare you." I nodded and hugged back. A few moments later Aizawa let go of me and told us to come in 10 minutes and he will make breakfast.

I go to the corner that I have claimed in the living room and play with the cats. 'Schools start next month... I should train more.. I need to get stronger.. I need to get into UA. What if I don't? I'll be a bigger disappointment than I already am. Aizawa and Mic work there I can't let them down.. maybe I could ask if I can go somewhere on my own.. it could give me more training time and I can get better without wor- annoying Aizawa. Now that I have wings I need to train parkour more as I have additional weight and my fighting skills I can improve with Aizawa. MAYBE I CAN VIS-'

"BREAKFAST IS READY" I got snapped out of my thoughts. I go and eat as much as I can without throwing up and then apologise to Aizawa for not being able to eat it all. When he dismisses me I go to my room and sit on my bed.

'Aizawa said that this is my room and I can do whatever I want to it... maybe I can ask if we can go to the mall for paint and decorations. I would need help though. I'm not the best and designing..'

I go to find Aizawa and ask
"um Da-Aizawa? C-can we go to the m-mall..?" I look down at the floor ready to be scolded but instead I get a calm answer.
"Well I can't exactly go with you and Mics not home, neither is Hitoshi and Hawks has patrol so are you okay with going with someone new?"

I hesitate. 'someone new? What if they hate me? But Aizawa knows them.. maybe it's okay.. I guess I can try...' I slowly nod.
"Great I'll call her and ask if she can come in 15 minutes, is that enough time?" I nod and leave the room to get ready. I just put on some black baggy jeans and a grey loose top. I took my phone chucked it in my pocket and tried to get a glass..

"Damn cupboard, so high" I hear a laugh behind me and turn around.
"You could've just asked for me to get one down for you"
"sorry I didn't want to bother you" Aizawa sighed. "Don't worry about bothering me and if you really don't want to ask for help just stand on a chair" I nod and take the glass that he took down for me from him. "Thanks" he nods and walks away.
"Oh and she'll be here in a few"

I pour myself some water and drink it. 'I wonder who she is.. maybe it's another pro? That would be cool!' I hear a knock at the door and I open it.
"hey! You must be Izuku right?" I nod.
"Well nice to meet you Izuku, I'm Nemuri!"
"Nice to meet you too Miss Nemuri"
"no need to be so formal just Nemuri is fine." I nod. "Ay! Shota we're leaving!"
"Okay!" And we leave to the mall.

This was way over due. I'm a total mess. Anyways hope to enjoyed this chapter next chapter should be quite a happy chapter if I calculated correctly if not then it won't be. Anyways
Psycho~Chan Out~

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