Chapter 9

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Third PoV

Aizawa walked out of the room and quickly called Hizashi.

H-Hizashi A-Aizawa

H: hey 'zawa did you get the letter?

A: yeah I did...

H: what did it say.?

A: ...hes getting abused and bullied...

H: ...oh. Who's abusing him?

A: *sigh* his father.

H: hmm.. what should we do?

A: I... I was thinking we could adopt him..

H: YES!!!!!!

A: YOU don't need to shout. I'll go get the papers and go to his father to get them signed so we can adopt him.

H: okay.

A: see you later... love you.

H: see you, and I love you too

Aizawa hang up the phone and decided to make his way to the police station. When he got there he went straight to Tsukauchi, he didn't even knock he just went in.

The detective looked up and just said a hey as he was used to this,
"what brings you here this time" he asked Aizawa.
"I want to adopt an abused boy.." Tsukauchi just looked at him as if he was crazy.
"....seriously? You want to... adopt.... someone..??" Aizawa just signed and nodded.
"What's his name?"
"Izuku Midoriya"
"Wait you mean the endlessly happy quirkless kid?" Aizawa nodded and quickly looked up at the detective.
"You know him..?"
"Yeah. I met him a few years ago when his father retired."
"Who is his father?"
"Hm? Oh! He's Dragon!"
"I definitely want to get him out of there then, as quickly as possible. His father is the one abusing him, he's really strong, this is worse than I thought it was." Aizawas head was about to explode, he was thinking about everything that could've happened in that household and Tsukauchi was sitting there shocked.

The detective finally snapped out of the trance and searched for Izuku Midoriyas file. Aizawa was still thinking of all that could've happened. Tsukauchi finally found the file. Each file had adoptive papers inside (I don't know if this is true so don't come at me) he handed the file to Aizawa.
"You should get this done quickly my friend" and then he went back to his seat and our favourite coffee addict walked out of the police station.

Since it was around 2am Aizawa went home and when he stepped in he immediately got tackled by his crazy husband, Hizashi.

Time skip to the morning

Aizawas PoV

I woke up to a small weight on my chest. When I open my eyes I see a ball of fluff. I chuckled knowing this little ball of fluff was my cat that I found all a few years ago. Her names Chloe and she's a Himalayan cat.

I start petting her, knowing she wont get off of me anytime soon and honestly I'm not complaining about it

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I start petting her, knowing she wont get off of me anytime soon and honestly I'm not complaining about it. The cat purrs loudly and I start thinking about what happened last night.

'I better get up'. I got up and walked over to the kitchen to see that there's already breakfast there for me so I quickly feed the cats, yes I have more than just Chloe, then I start eating breakfast and drinking my coffee as it was also already made, properly by Hitoshi as he's the only other one that can make good coffee. After I finished eating I go get changed, grab the files and walk out the house and make my way to the hospital.

Once I made it there I knock onto Izukus door and go in when I hear a small come in. I see Izuku sitting up against the fluffy pillow and his wings neatly tucked in behind his back.
"Good morning si- Aizawa"
"Good morning problem child, how are you?"
"I'm good sir, but I have to ask, why are you here?" "I'm getting you out of that house" I stated bluntly and he just looked at me confused.
"Why?" He asked now that's a weird question.
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Because I'm quirkless..."
"kid one you are very clearly not quirkless and two that has nothing to do with this, no one deserves to be abused" he stared at me for a few seconds before smiling brightly and crying,
"thank you!" 'Too bright!' We talked forever a few hours before the nurse came in with food for him so I just ask for his address and let him eat in peace.

I got to his house and I knock on the door. The moment the door opened I could smell a lot of alcohol. His father still looked as intimidating as ever but I still asked bluntly
"I would like to take your child away, would you sign these papers?" He looked surprised and then he rolled his eyes
"whatever, I'll sign them because I don't need a quirkless brat anymore" I handed him the papers and a pen, he went inside and came back out to give me the papers a few minutes later.
"Thank you" he shut the door and I just started walking back to the hospital. 'All I have to do to make this adoption final is sign it and have Hizashi sign it as well'

I finally get to his room and walk in. I see his plate is nearly full but he's not touching it anymore
"why aren't you eating?" His simple reply was
"not hungry" and that's understandable. I then hold up the papers and say
"we only need mine and my husbands signatures and then you are not Hisashis legal child anymore" he turned to me so quickly I could've sworn he got whiplash and he smiled at me.

Okay so I'm sorry for the hella late release and I've seen all of the comments telling me to make the next part. Izuku is freee!!!!! I'm super stressed lately I'm getting bad grades and I need to up them and this chapter would've been out later if it wasn't for the fact I'm ill and I can't go to school.
Anyways Psycho~Chan Out~

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