Chapter 25

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Third PoV

A large man frantically ran toward the Musutafu Police Station, almost tripping many times, people were jumping out of the way so they wouldn't get trampled by the oncoming former pro hero. People were cursing and yelling profanities at him but he didn't bat an eye, he had other things to worry about.

He burst open the doors to the police station and pushed passed the officers trying to stop him. Once he made it to the detectives door he slammed it open nearly throwing them off the hinges, "NAOMASA!" The detective snapped out of the shock and sighed, muttering, "I don't get paid enough for this shit."

Overhauls PoV

I was admiring the baby bird sitting on the bar stall by the kitchen counter while waiting for Hari to finish making us food. When I was about to turn to Hari to ask him about the food, baby birds fidgeting caught my attention, "what's the matter baby bird?" I asked placing a gloved hand in between his wings, he flinched but I didn't move it.
"May I have some water..?" He asked in a small voice, I wouldn't have of heard it if I wasn't listening for it.
"Of course baby bird, you don't have to be afraid to ask," I poured the boy a glass of water and placed it in front of him, "drink up darling."
"Thank you sir." He sipped on the water with me watching and counting every one of his cute little swallows. "My names Kai, so you can drop the 'sir' baby bird." He nodded and I ruffled his hair softly.

"Kai, Midoriya, the food's ready!" I heard Haris voice ring behind me. I nodded and sat down on the stall next to my baby birds and watched Hari place down three sets of bowls with food: one for Izuku, one for me and the last one for himself.

"itadakimasu!" We all started eating, well almost all, Izuku hasn't touched the food at all.
"Midoriya? Is something wrong with the food? Is it not to your liking? I promise I didn't poison it if that's what you're worried about!" Izuku shifted slightly, I saw his eyes move to look at Hari, then me, then back to Hari, "I'm allowed to eat with you two?" Hari nodded slightly taken back by the question, confusion written all over his face, "You can eat with us Midoriya.."

I placed a hand on Izukus shoulder, "Eat up, you need it." He slowly nodded picking up his chopsticks. When I saw him start eating I concentrated back onto my food.

'That's odd, why didn't he wanna eat? I know he used to be quirkless maybe that has something to do with it? But who wouldn't let someone eat? Much less be scared to eat? I may experiment on people but I treat them well, they're fed, bathed and get their own personal room, if they're in a lot of pain I leave them pain medicine. Was it a family member? I reme-' my thoughts got cut off by Hari shaking me.

"What do you want Hari? And stop touching me." He pointed into the direction of Izuku so I turned to look at him. He looked sickly, his face was pale and his hands were shaking.
"Izuku? What's wrong?" I asked, a hint of worry seeping into my voice.
"Where's the bathroom?!" I was taken aback by the lack of manners that he usually has but I quickly realised he was urgent so I lead him to the bathroom closest to us and he ran inside.
"Izuku are you alright?" I heard a ruckus and a thud from inside. I ripped open the door and I could see him hunched over the toilet. 'He's sick' "HARI!"
"Yes Kai?"
"Go inside and take care of Izuku, he's sick." Hari nodded and knocked on the door before going in not to startle the boy. I left after that, I had a few things to take care of and find out.

Tsukauchis PoV

"WHAT has gotten you bursting into my office as if you're about to get murdered?!" I raised my voice at the panting man standing in the middle of the room. I waved my hand dismissing all of the officers who were chasing him.
"I was controlled, I got hit by a quirk, I don't know what happened, something was controlling me, I did unspeakable things! I don't know what's going on, I couldn't control my body, I signed my fucking son away, I don't know where he is, I HURT MY FUCKING SON! NAOMASA do you know wh-ere my son is?!"
I tried processing what was just laid down onto me.
"Hisashi please sit down and explain to me calmly what the fuck happened?" I saw him nod and sit down on one of the softer chairs provided in front of my desk.

Grabbing my coffee and placing a cup of tea in front of Hisashi I sat down by my desk.
"You were hit by a quirk, what did the quirk do?"
"It manipulated my way of thinking and I couldn't control my actions with my rational mind, it forced me to do terrible things to Izuku..." he trailed off at the end of his sentence. I nodded.
"So you were hurting him against your will?"
"Yes, do you know where he is?!"
"Well yes and no."
"What do you mean?!" His voice spiked up into a panic.
"The good news is that the person you signed him off to is a pro hero.." I could see his shoulders relax slightly, "but the bad news is that he's been kidnapped."
"NO! HOW?! WASN'T HE WITH PRO HEROS?!" I sighed and nodded, "he was, but the villains had a warp quirk and there was no way to stop it. I can show you how it happened, maybe you know something about them?" I saw him nod slowly and awake around my desk to stand behind me to see the video.

I pulled up the video and showed him the situation. He was oddly quiet during and when I turned to look at him he was shocked, "what's the matter?"
"T-hats Zenaku."
"Amara Zenaku?"
"Yes, how'd you know?"
"He was found dead in an alley way two days ago"
"What the fuck..." I heard his hushed voice whisper.
"What the fuck indeed.."

WHASSUP FUCKERS!! Hope you like the little plot twist.
Psycho~Chan OUT~

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