Chapter 11

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Aizawas PoV

I was truly worried about the kid. First he ran off, then we found him in the basement cutting, and he's not even flinching or hissing while I'm putting rubbing alcohol onto his cuts. I know he was abused but you'd expect some kind of reaction.

Well I did get an answer at least but not one that I wanted. 'I was burdening your family by being here' goodness sake it was repeating in my head. I ask another question.
"Why did you run off into the basement?" I knew the answer but.. maybe he'll say something more?
"I was taking up too much space and the basement is the only place I'm allowed to stay in for a longer amount of time" I- I'm shocked. He said that as if it was normal! As if he deserved it! As if everyone got treated like that! He needs a therapist... maybe we could get Hound Dog to help him..? (I had to search up Hound Dog because all I knew was that he's a counsellor and he looks bloody terrifying!)

I sighed and realised I had finished wrapping up his wounds.
"Izuku, come with me to the kitchen, I'll make dinner" I smiled at him and he nodded and slid off the counter landing silently. I STILL DONT KNOW HOW HE DOES IT! I walked to the kitchen and he was right behind me not making a single sound.
"Sit down" he nodded and sat down on the floor in the corner.
"Sit down on a chair" he hesitated but he still stood up and sad on the edge of the chair. I sighed. AGAIN! "Normally kid I'm not gonna hurt you for sitting on a chair" he finally shifted and sat normally on the chair. I walked to the fridge and opened it.
"What do you like eating?" He didn't reply so I turned around and looked at him he had a conflicted look on his face as if he was considering if this was a trap. "Kid this isn't a trap, what do you like to eat?" He sat silent for a moment.
"..I remember something called.. Katsudon? I think" when was the last time he ate a normal dish?!
"Okay, I'll make Katsudon for dinner" he looked as if he was going to protest but he stopped himself.

I finished the dish and yelled,
"FOOD!" Hizashi and Hitoshi ran into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. I placed a bowl of food infront of everyone and sat down. We all dug in and except Izuku.
"Why aren't you eating?"
"I'm waiting for you to finish and give me permission" Hizashi almost chocked.
"Izuku you don't need permission, you can eat with us" Izuku slowly nodded as if he wasn't convinced. He picked up his fork and put a bit of rice on it and ate it. His eyes lit up. I was shocked he only took a bit of rice and he thought it was amazing. We were all eating and chatting when we realised Izuku wasn't at the table. (How did he not realise I don't know)

His bowl was nearly full he only ate a bit.
"I'll go look for him" I went to the basement first just in case. No. Living room? No. Hitoshi room? No. toilet? Yep. I found him throwing up into the toilet. I walked over to him and pet his hair. When he stopped throwing up I gave him a towel to clean himself up.

When he did he stood up and bowed
"I'm sorry sir"
"hey it wasn't your fault you should've told me you can't eat that much"
"sorry sir"
"you don't have to apologise" after that he stayed silent.
"Did you through everything up?" "Yes" I started walking to the door
"come eat as much as you can without throwing up and you can do whatever you want" he nodded and walked back to the table behind me. Hizashi looked at me. I nodded.  Hizashi wanted to know if it was
because he ate too much or something like that.

Time skip bought to you by me getting a bruise after two days after ice skating and I never get bruises the last one I had was like a few years back anyways I got a bit off track there.

Everyone was now in the living room. Me and Hizashi were watching a movie, Hitoshi was on his phone and Izuku was playing with the cats so everything was going fine until there was a big bang in the movie and Izuku, shot up silently, 'HOW IS THIS KID SO QUIET?!?', and was facing the ground.

We were all confused until I realised that the bang must've reminded him of his father and he must've done this so he wouldn't get too hurt. I stand up and crouch down so he could see my face.
"Hey.., Izu it's okay, he's not here you can continue playing with the cats, you're safe" I saw him look at my face and nod and he sat back down to play with the cats. 'Problem Child' I thought and went back onto the couch and back to cuddling my husband.

This one came out of pretty quickly. If you have any questions ask them I'm not sure if the story makes sense as I'm not the best writer. 

Psycho~Chan Out~

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