Chapter 28

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Third PoV

"We have no leads as to who he could've been working for, he's listed as jobless and no records of him have been found in any databases. The quirk that could've been used to end his life has turned up in the thousands and that's just in Musutafu. We are yet to sort them into groups consisting of heroes/villains/civilians." Naomasa sipped on his coffee, while watching the three men (one chimera) infront of him for any sort of reaction, he found them looking at him dumbfounded.

"But that's going to take days if not weeks!" Hisashi raised from his seat.
"It's all we can do at the moment, Nezus' men and mine are working on it, we have no more surveillance cameras to check, no more private cameras we can hack into, we've done it all."

Naomasa glanced at the panicked man with pity. "But for now, if you don't mind, I'm dismissing all of you, I need to work and you two," he pointed at the underground and former heroes, "need sleep, Nezu or I will contact you both if we find anything and no arguing, both of you need to be in tip-top shape to go through with a rescue mission." He glared at them and threw a hero licence at Hisashi. "You're lucky no-one has written you up for abuse and it was easy to get it back."

"Thank you." Hisashi grabbed the licence and placed it inside his wallet and then bowed, before leaving to rest as he'd been recommended to do.

Aizawa quickly followed the suit after excusing himself, hoping to catch up with the man. "Hisashi! Wait a moment!" He spoke, quickly catching up to him.
"What is it Aizawa?" He asked turning around to face the hero.
"Are you sure you want to do this? I'm not trying to forbid you from seeing your son but we don't know how he'll react to seeing you, let alone your quirk, he's been away from you for a while and he's started to get comfortable with his emotions and acknowledged that he won't be getting hurt, seeing you might set him a few steps back, might send him into a panic attack considering that he's probably getting mistreated wherever he is."

Hisashis gaze hardened and his fists clenched. "I understand what you're getting at and I know you want what's best for Izuku, but please let me do this, I know Izuku is completely terrified of me, but I need to do this, I will keep my distance when we find him, but I need to find him." Tears threatened to fall from his eyes.
"Alright." Aizawa smiled at the man and patted his shoulder walking past him. "Let's go rest, for Izukus sake."

~ At the Shie Hissaikai base ~

"Your feathers are so pretty Izuku,~ perfect even, they shimmer so nicely under the light.. makes me want to keep them locked up all for myself~"
Izuku didn't catch the whispered words, assuming it was just more praise from the kind man grooming his feathers, he thanked him, hiding his face away with his palms.

A particularly harsh tug made him flinch away from Chisaki, "Oh my, I'm sorry baby bird, I didn't mean to hurt you, your feathers got clumped up, I had to pull them apart." Kai's' kind smile didn't falter even for a second and Izuku was non the wiser to the sadism hidden by the kindness. He settled back down to where he was sitting a moment ago to allow Kai to continue his task.

What Izuku hadn't realised was the feather that was now tucked inside the sleeve of Kai's button up.

Knock Knock

"What do you need?"
"You have a meeting with the LOV in 20." Replied a woman's voice which made Izuku look up to match a face to the voice. Standing in the doorway he saw a young woman, probably in her 20s he deduced, with long brown hair and purple eyes, she was wearing a tight beige top and slacks underneath a white lab coat. Drawing for reference made by Panmooo

"Thank you I shall be out in 5, you are dismissed

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"Thank you I shall be out in 5, you are dismissed." Kai
stated not even looking her direction, too distracted by the wings in front of him. She tilted her head forward and turned around to leave but not before shooting a hard glare in the young boys direction.

Once she had left Kai ran his fingers over the feathers one last time and stood up to get ready for the meeting.
"I'll be at the meeting for an hour, two at max, depends if they comply or not, you'll stay with Hari in the time being unless you want to stay in here and read or sleep. Either way Hari will be close by so no worries." He shrugged on his coat before turning back to Izuku and patting him on the head, "you'll be a good birdy, won't you?"

Izuku just nodded and stood from the bed deciding that he wants to visit the garden again. "I'll go with Hari, I want to visit the garden."

Kai nodded and guided Izuku out the bedroom with a hand firmly between his wings, his thumb playing with the fine feathers at the base. "Hari, go with Izuku."
"Of course, come on Midoriya." He offered the small boy a hand, which Izuku gratefully took, going along with him. They didn't see the glare sent in Haris direction at the contact.

"Sir it's time to go."
Kai snapped out of the trance turning to the voice, "Of course, let's go." He lead the way out of the base and they headed towards the planned pick-up spot. The warp user already waiting in the shadows for their arrival.
"Good evening, Overhaul I'm assuming?"
"That's correct."
The two Shie Hissaikai members got escorted into the warp gate.

WOOOO That was quicker than usual, probably because half of this was written on lessons I don't need or want to pay attention to. Hope you like this one.
Psycho~Chan Out~

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