Chapter 10

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Deku's PoV

I turned around so quickly that my neck actually hurt a bit but I didn't care. I was going to have a family, a real one! Small drops of water ran down my face while I smiled. Aizawa hugged me when he saw my tears.
"Thank you" I said multiple times while in the hug. "It's nothing problem child" I heard the ruff voice say.
We stayed like this for a while until I finally stopped crying.

"Here, get changed I'm going to go and get you discharged" he handed me a bag with clothes and walked out. I open the bag, grab the clothes and get changed. After I changed I realised the clothes were too big and they were falling off of me but it's nothing I haven't dealt with before so I grabbed a ribbon that I randomly found (don't ask) and I tied the tracksuits on my hip and sat back on my bed waiting for si- Aizawa to come back and get me.

After a few minutes he came back and looked at me up and down and snickered.
"Come on kid let's get you some clothes and get you to your new home" I smiled, I actually smiled! Then I went with him.

Time skip to after they got him some clothes and went home

Third PoV

Aizawa opened the front door and let the smol bean in, he was attacked straight away by baby beans that included Chloe, Nightmare, Flake, Mr Paws and Tabs. (We all remember Chloe from the last chapter)

 (We all remember Chloe from the last chapter)

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(Mr Paws)

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(Mr Paws)

(Mr Paws)

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Izuku crouched down and started petting all of the cats, while Aizawa stood in shock that Nightmare, the unfriendlyiest (definitely not a word) cat in the world, was not only letting himself be pet but he was fucking PURRING! Aizawa started grumbling under his breath about how the cat was rude.

After a few minutes of petting the cats 'reality' struck Izuku. As quickly as he could without scaring the cats he stood up and bowed in the direction of Aizawa "I'm so sorry Sir, I should've asked if I could pet your cats" Izuku stayed in his perfect 90 degree angled bow with his face facing the floor and his eyes closed waiting to be hit. Aizawa sighed,
"kid you did nothing wrong so there's no need to apologise" he put his hand onto Izukus shoulder and pushed him up so he was in a normal standing position.

"Come on you'll be staying in the same room as Hitoshi because we haven't finished your room" Aizawa stated while leading the way. Izuku silently followed. So silently that you couldn't hear his footsteps and Aizawa had to check if he was following him.

Once they got to the room Aizawa knocked on the door and a minute later Hitoshi opened it for both of them to come in. Izuku hesitated a bit but walked in facing downwards.
"I'll leave you two alone Hitoshi tell him everything he needs to know"
"okay dad" and Aizawa walked out of the room leaving the two fluffy haired kids alone.
"You can put your stuff in that wardrobe and you can sleep on the bed I'll sleep on the couch" (yes he has a couch in his room) he said pointing at the wardrobe and the bed.
"N-no, it's fine I'll s-sleep on the couch, it's y-your bed after all!" He protested quickly.
"No it's fine take the bed."
"How about we share then?" Izuku looked up at him in shock,
"are you sure? I don't want to take up your personal space!"
"Yeah it's fine, the bed is big enough for two"

Izuku put away his clothes in the corner of the wardrobe taking up as little space as he could and when he was done he walked over to an unused corner of the room and sat there. Hitoshi looked at him and blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice.
"Why are you on the floor in the corner?"
"S-sorry I can leave if you don't want me in your room." He said while starting to get up.
"No, no, that's not what I meant, why don't you sit on the couch or the bed?" Izuku just looked at him
"I don't want to take up more room than I already have"

Izuku walked out of the room leaving a shocked Hitoshi behind. When he walked out he looked around until he found the door to the basement and he walked down there and just sat there in the dark.

'Good job, you already fucked up'

'I know'

'How about you look around and find something sharp to make up for all of your mistakes already?'


Izuku stood up and started looking around for something sharp in the basement. While he was doing that Hitoshi snapped out of his trance and ran out of his room to find his father or the green bean.

He ran to his fathers room, not here. Study, not here. Living room, not here. Kitchen, THERE!
"Yes Hitoshi?"
"Did you see where Izuku went? He left my room after I asked him why was he on the floor and he replied that he doesn't want to take up more space than he already has! I didn't mean to make him think that!" Aizawa sighed,
"have you checked anywhere for him?"
"When I was looking for you or him I looked through half of the house and I didn't find him."
"Okay, check all the bedrooms and I'll check the bathrooms and the basement just in case" and with that they split off looking for Izuku.

'Found something'

'Good now be a good boy and slice your wrist with it 5 times'

Izuku placed it on his wrist and pushed and sliced, carefully watching the blood swim out of it.



Sl- just as he was about to slice his arm again the sharp object was taken out of his possession by the one and only Aizawa. Izuku looked up terrified of what's gonna come but... nothing did, instead he just got a hug.
"Don't do that again problem child." Izuku just looked down,
"Sorry Aizawa." They stayed like that for a while. Aizawa eventually stood up with Izuku in his arms and walked out of the basement and took him to the nearest bathroom. He sat him on the counter.
"Why did you do it?" "...." "it's okay if you don't want to talk"
"I was burdening your family by being here." Aizawa took the bandages and the rubbing alcohol.
"Izuku you aren't burdening us at all" he put some alcohol onto a cotton bud and dabbed it against the cuts. "..."

Okay peeps that's this chapter done! Sorry that I didn't post it earlier I had no motivation or time. Anyways
Psycho~Chan~ Out~

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