Chapter 2

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Deku's POV

I woke up on the cold tile floor of the basement. I tried to stand up but my whole body was aching. 'What time is it?' I don't even care what happens to me anymore because I'm so used to it, but seriously what's the time? I looked around and found the clock. "Ok um so it's 4:30 might as well get out of the basement finally" I stood up slowly because my back really hurt and then walked to the door, I got out and had a quick shower and when I say quick I mean quick I don't want to wake up the fucking vulture now, do I? I got dressed and it was 5 so I went to the kitchen to make him breakfast. Once I was done I got my bag put on my shoes and woke up my "father" and dashed out the house. It was fucking 5:30 what am I meant to do for 2 and a half hours?

I went to the park and climbed up a blossom tree. Getting comfortable I fell asleep between the branches. You probably think that's an unwise decision but I had it thought through I always have an alarm on my phone that goes off half an hour before school so I can get there on time.

When the alarm finally went off I got startled resulting in me falling out of the tree and luckily, landing on my butt rather than my back because damn, that would've hurt. I stood up and walked to school. On my way there I saw a bunch of kids beat up a purple haired boy. "Leave him alone!" I shouted. They all turned around and looked at me, "Well, well looks like we've found a hero" the word hero was dripping venom.

I ran in front of the boy in attempt to shield him. The so called 'leader' of the three nodded and the other two boys came at me. They beat me up until I was a bloody mess beofre finally going away, but not without a 'goodbye' "next time you wanna play heroes just play alone you quirkless freak!"

Obviously they knew I was quirkless, everybody does! Everyone hates me and I'm not surprised, everything they say is true and everything they do to me I deserve. I turn around to the purple haired boy. "Hey, are you ok?" I asked in a sweet tone with a soft smile and I held my hand out to help him up "I should be the one asking you, you've got a broken nose I think" "wait really?" I ask confused and touch my nose, it was bleeding really badly and was bruised but luckily it wasn't broken "how did you not realise? Do you feel the pain? And why did you help me? All you did was get yourself hurt!"

Idiot now you're a burden!

"No I didn't realise and I'm numb to the pain so it's fine. I helped you because no one deserves to be hurt" I replied with a huge smile. "Why did they in the first place? I'm pretty sure you did nothing wrong because if you did you would've fight back" "I have a villainous quirk" he replied embarrassed, "hey, only you can decide if it's a villains quirk or a hero's because you are the one controlling it, btw what is your quirk?" "It's brainwashing" he looked down and was about to cry so I did the only logical thing and hugged him, he hugged back and I said "you know, a quirk doesn't define a person, it's the personality but no one sees it in this world full of quirks anymore, don't let anyone put you down because of your quirk" I started to feel wetness on my shoulder, so I just let him stay there as I pet his hair. We stayed like that for a few minutes when he finally let go and said "thank you, I'm Hitoshi Shinso," "Izuku Midoriya, I'm glad I could help a bit" "I wanted to ask, what's your quirk?"

He's going to leave you just like everyone else,
You're a disgusting freak!

"Oh... I-I'm quirkless" I whimpered, while looking down ready to be hit, but the pain never came, instead when I looked up I got a warm smile. "Thanks for helping me, you know, you have the true traits of a hero. You knew that you could get hurt badly but you still helped me so willingly" Shinso said while keeping his smile, "that's just part of who I am. Would you like to go to the cat cafe and hang out for the rest of the day cause there's no point of going to school now anyways" I asked shyly.

You talk too much Deku.

"Yes!" I could see the excitement in this eyes and giggle a bit. "Someone's excited" I tease. "Oh come on don't out me like that" He half yelled at me rolling his eyes.

~time-skip bought to you by a potato~

Espresso-depresso secret love child POV

When we sat down I realise that he has bandages on his arms. "Why do you have bandages? Are you hurt?" I asked in a moto tone but If you look deep enough to see my worry for Mido. "Oh.. uh.. training and uh.. support" he responded with a nervous laugh, he obviously didn't tell the truth but I knew better then to pry in other peoples business so I let it go and started petting a few cats and playing with them. I looked at Mido and he had a grey and white cat in his arms and it looked adorable so I sneakily took a picture.

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~This meme explains my mood and imma do another au that I started writing in a notebook but I don't have a title so it's gonna wait until I find one

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~This meme explains my mood and imma do another au that I started writing in a notebook but I don't have a title so it's gonna wait until I find one. Anyway this bitch is heading out.

Psycho~chan out~

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