Chapter 27

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Third PoV

"Come on Bunny, it's time to go home, it's getting late and your Papa will get worried!"
"Coming Mama!" A small boy ran up to the woman and held onto two of her slim fingers on which one of them was decorated by a beautiful emerald settled into a golden band.

They set off in the direction of their home with the mother asking the child about his time in the park.
"Mama! Mama! Can we get a lollipop!"  The boy tugged at his mothers fingers while pointing with his other hand at the small convenience store.
"Oh I guess we could Bunny, we need to buy a few things for dinner tomorrow anyways," they made their way inside with Izuku happily skipping along next to his mother.

After paying for the shopping Mama Midoriya led the way home walking through the empty streets shopping and Izuku in hand. That was until a sudden strength pulled the woman backwards into an alley. Izuku looked on confused as his mother was thrown against a large bin. "MAMA!" Izuku squeaked as he saw his mother gasp for air, wanting to run over but was being held back by the attackers quirk. No matter how hard Izuku struggled the vines didn't loosen their grip, on the contrary, they tightened making it difficult for Izuku to breathe.

While Izuku was whimpering and gasping for air, Inko was being searched for money and her jewellery was being ripped off. The emerald was something that definitely caught their eye. Inko clutched her hand not wanting them to take the most important thing she owns. What a mistake.

"Give me that ring you damned woman!" One of them yelled and Inko shook her head, clutching her hand tighter as they tried prying her hand open.


"MAMA!!"  Izuku screamed as he watched his mothers body go limb,
"SHUT IT BRAT"  He tightened the vines around the child making him whimper in pain.

"SHIT THE HEROES! FINISH HER OFF AND TAKE THE RING!" He let go of his vines and ran letting his lackey finish the deed.
Izuku ran over to his mother laying on the ground, "Mama! Mama! Get up!"
"..I'm sorry Izuku, grow up with a smile for me and make other people smile.."
"Sorry kiddo"  He pulled out a knife and thrusted it deep into into her skull and twisted it killing her instantly before disappearing.

Izukus' PoV

I shot up falling off the beanbag as I was reminded of the cruel fate. I felt every vein in my body pulsating as a cold sweat ran down my back. My chest felt heavy as I tried to catch a breath and pull myself together.

God you stupid idiot breathe father will be mad if you wake him up again!

In-out, in-out, in-out fuck. It's not working!

It's just a dream! It's just a dream! It's just a dream!

No! It's not just a dream! Fuck! Nothings working!

"-ku! — y— he-r me?! Izuku!"
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you sir! Please believe me!" My body shook with sobs and pleas, my arms covering my head so it doesn't get damaged.
"Baby bird, I'm not going to hurt you, look at me please"
My body shook as I opened my eyes ready to watch a whip slam down on me.. but I'm not greeted by my pissed looking father standing above me, instead, crouched in front of me was a man with a mask.
"You're okay Izuku, you're safe here.."
"K-Kai??" I whispered, unsure of my ability to speak louder. I saw him nod, "It's me Izuku, may I touch you?"

It took me a moment to understand what he asked and I nodded, getting pulled onto his lap.
"You're okay baby bird, nobody's going to hurt you." He comforted me rubbing circles on my back soothingly.
"I-I'm s-s-sorry!"
"Ssshhh~ it's okay Izuku, you're okay, just breathe.., in 1.. 2.. 3.. and out.., and again.., in.... And out.., you're doing great darling,"
As my breathing evened out, Kai loosed his grip on me so I could see his face. I watched as his eyes scanned over my face, going down to my arms and then my wings, he nodded before speaking,
"Are you alright now darling?" I nod but he furrowed his eyebrows, "I'd like you to speak to me Izuku."
I look at him for a moment before opening my mouth to speak, "I'm okay now, thank you for grounding me."

Third PoV

He gave Izuku a nod of acknowledgement before rising with him in his arms, "Would you like to talk about it? Y'know, your dream?" Izuku hesitate as he was placed on the bed with him sitting down next to me, I don't know if it's a good idea, it would be a weight off my shoulders but then again I'd just be burdening the man that has been so nice to me... I shook my head, "No thanks you."
"Alright, remember you can tell me anything baby bird, whatever's going on in that pretty little mind of yours can be shared," he spoke caressing the other boys feathers carefully, treating each one as if it was made of gold and dusted in diamonds.
"Thank you Kai," He rubbed the dried tears on his face wanting to make himself look like less of a mess, Kai caught onto this and took his hands away from his face dealing with it by himself oh so carefully, he couldn't possibly allow himself to leave a mark on that porcelain face, touching it as if it would break under anymore pressure, "What if I stay with you for the rest of the night while you rest up in my arms?"
Izuku nodded enthusiastically, already crawling deeper into the bed wanting nothing more than a peaceful lights sleep. He opened up his arms waiting for the other man to take off his mask so he could climb in and cuddle the little bird boy without poking his eyes out.

Soooo it's been a while, I also feel like more angst but I need to figure out how to do that. Anywaysssssss
Psycho~Chan Out~

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