Chapter 3

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Shinso POV and time skip to when they had to leave

"We should get going, it's almost the end of school" Midoriya stated after looking at the clock on the wall. I felt skeptical because he said that with a tint of fear and a fake smile but decided not to pry.
"Yeah you're right we probably should" I replied while standing up and putting the cat that was in my arms down. I look at Midoriya to see him frozen whilst looking out the window terrified. I looked out to see what he was looking at, it was a middle aged man with black hair and freckles exactly like his and a raged look in his eyes. He stared at him for a full minute before walking off and I swear I heard Midoriya gulp when he walked away.
"Do you know him?"
"Oh... erm.. yes I do. He's my... father." He hesitantly replied, looking everywhere but at me.
"Ah... makes sense but why did he look so angry?" I ask.
"oh... he doesn't like me skipping school and he probably just had a bad day at work or something" he smiled at me. I let it go and gave a small smile in return.

Deku's PoV

I let out an inaudible sigh when Shinso stopped asking because I am pretty sure my whole brain was panicking, I'm surprised I didn't get a panic attack but I know I was close.

I put down the cute little cat that was in my arms and reached for my notebook. I ripped out a page and wrote down my number.
"Here's my number so we can keep in touch and if you're in trouble just call me and I'll help out, but you probably won't need help from a useless, quirkless, hero wannabe that can't do anything right. Sorry for rambling and bothering you." I rambled on lowering my voice to almost a whisper at the end. I hung my head low and just looked at my shoes, waiting for him to hit me..
"Hey, it's ok, don't worry, I'll text you tonight," he replied taking the piece of paper and winking with a smile. I giggled at the gesture and we started walking out the cafe. We talked a bit until we had to part ways, as soon as he left, so did my smile.

I jogged the last stretch of my way home because I know if I take too long my punishment will be much worse than it already is and it's already bad. I regret my life right about now but there's nothing I can do, I messed up so I must pay the price.

I'm standing in front of my house debating whether or not I should run away or go home. *sigh* I open the door and walk in waiting to be hit but nothing came. I look up to see no one home 'what?', I walk into the kitchen to see note on the counter.

Little shit, 
I went out and I will be back tomorrow. The house has to be immaculate when I come home or your punishment will be much worse than it is.

I sighed when I read it and started cleaning straight away because with that man you never know he could come back in the next five minutes for gods sake.

When I finished I went  straight to my room not even thinking about eating because if he finds out I ate without permission, I'm dead. My punishment is already bad enough as it's for two days and for skipping school.
'God what was I thinking? Oh well it was worth it. I made someone's day so it's worth the extra punishment.'

After a few minutes of laying on my bed I got up and went to my drawer and pulled out a razor and some bandages not bothering with ointment anymore. If I get an infection then let be it, it's not like anyone cares and nor do I.

⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️

I place the cool razor on my skin for a second before pushing down and dragging it along my wrist.
Waste of space
Attention seeker
Disgusting freak
For making Shinso worried
For my dad finding out
I looked at my arm and I accidentally made the last one a bit too deep 'fuck' I started to swim in and out of consciousness. I quickly washed all of my cuts and wrapped them up. I added an extra layer just in case the blood soaked through.

⚠️Trigger Warning Over⚠️

I walked back to my room and quickly fell into a dreamless sleep.

Sorry for the long wait I just haven't had much inspiration.

Psycho~chan out~

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