Chapter 5

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Third POV

"Izuku" à voice called out. Izuku started looking around trying to find it.
"Izuku" it called out again but this time Izuku recognised it.
"M-mom?" Izuku called out with a small sob hoping, wishing even to see her face. He started looking around again and this time he saw a beautiful woman with long green hair and emerald orbs staring back at him. He ran up to her and tried to hug her but he just slipped through her.
"Izuku" she stayed one last time with a smile, then her aura changed.
"It's all your fault Izuku. It's all your fault I'm dead." He started shaking uncontrollably as tears fell down his face.
"You didn't do anything. You're useless. You don't even have a quirk. You watched me die. You let me die. It's all your fault. You wanted me to die." She spat out. He started sobbing and fell to the ground.
"I didn't want you *sob* to die. I'm s-sorry I couldn't do any-thing. I'm u-useless. I'm a terrible son. I don't deserve anything. I'm sorry!" He screamed out whist sobbing. When he looked up he saw his mother about to hit him.
Izuku struck up with lightning speed and nearly fell out of bed. "I'm sorry I'm a failure." He sobbed out and carried on crying until he was out of tears. Izuku checked the time on his phone "2am, yay, it's not like I need sleep anyway" Izuku started sitting around doing nothing when an idea came to his head 'I could text Shinsou, I hope he's not asleep.'

Why do you wanna bother? He probably doesn't like you.

'I know but I need to talk to someone'

He only was nice to you out of pity

'No he wasn't, he didn't show any pity, he treated me as an equal.'

Yeah, yeah, go choke on an apple.

I looked at my phone again and decide to send the message.

Shinsou 💜

Sent at 2:24 Hi!-

I waited a few minutes before sighing and murmuring "i really am a burden, huh" I put my phone down on my bed side table, well what's left of it, and laid down, staring at the ceiling again.

He probably only went to the cafe with you 'cause he pity's you.

'That can't be true, he's not a hypocrite'

Oh?, And why would he be one?

'Because he himself is bullied and he's not that type of person'

*Ding* I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the unfamiliar (because poor sad boi has no friends) ding and a vibration from my phone meaning that I have a notification.

Shinsou 💜

-Hey. Aren't you ment to be asleep?2:27am

'OMG! He actually replied! OMG! OMG! OMG! Ok! Calm yourself!'

2:29am. I could ask the same.-

-Insomnia, you? 2:30am

2:31am Ah, makes sense, I just had a nightmare.-

-Want to talk about it? 2:32am

2:34am Ah, no, not really, sorry.-

-Don't worry, do you want me
to take your mind off of it? 2:37am

2:38am If it's not trouble, Please?-

-Don't worry, I'll be glad to help,
after all you helped me. 2:40am

2:40am Thank you.-

-Do you like cat memes? 2:42am

2:43am What's a meme?-

-How do you not know? 2:43am

2:44am I don't know?-

-Ok but do you like cats? 2:46am

2:47am Yes!-


2:50am That's adorable!-

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2:50am That's adorable!-

-that's an example of a
cat meme. 2:52am

2:54am But it doesn't make sense?-

-you're dense. Y'know that right? 2:56am

2:57am Well that's what happens
when you're not allowed social
media or use the internet.-

-wait a second. You weren't allowed
to use the internet? Why? 2:59am

'Oh shi- I have to lie I have to lie I have to lie. What do I say??????? Ahhhhhhhh, helppppppp meeeeeeeee stupid ass brain!!!!!!!!! Oof ok ok so do I say that it's just some house rule or do I say it's because they don't want me corrupted? Well I could, it's better than telling him that dad won't allow me because he thinks it's a waste of money to let me use the internet and that he would give me a very noticeable black eye if I did- on yeah let's just te-' "STOP FUCKING MUMBLING YOU MISTAKE, YOU CAN'T EVEN SIT QUIETLY!" I flinch at the sudden noise making me drop my phone and make a mental note to add two more cuts for being annoying. I pick up my phone again and finally reply to Shinsou.

3:01am I guess my dad
just didn't want me to be
"corrupted" as they call it-

-makes sense you are innocent. 3:02am

Third PoV

For the next two hours they were texting but Izukus alarm went off and he knew he had to get up straight away so he texted his friend a quick goodbye and rushed down stairs and made his father breakfast.

Ok that's it for now I'm so so so so so so sorry that I didn't upload this earlier but I just didn't like writing the texting parts so I was never bothered to finish that part. I hope this chapters good enough.
Psycho~Chan out~

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