Chapter 24

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Third POV

Knock Knock

"Who the fuc-"


"What the fuck are the heroes doing here?! What do you want?!" Shouted a distressed Shigiraki, scratching his neck with one of his dry, grey hands while the other was outstretched waiting to attack and defend himself.
"Where's Izuku, Shigiraki?"
"Hu-? Who?"
"Izuku Midoriya! We know your little league has something to do with it!"

Aizawa threw his capture weapon at the villain who barely dodged in his confusion. Shigiraki eyed the other pro heroes.
"How about we talk about this?!"
"Why don't you just give him back before we hurt you?"
"Just because we're villains doesn't mean we have him! I don't even know who he is!"

Aizawa glared at the confused young adult before putting his hand up to stop the other heroes from attacking.
"So you don't have him?"
"No! We haven't kidnapped anyone in the past two months! Unless... TOGA GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!"
"Ugh- what do you wa- OooOo~ Stabby Stabby~"
"Toga, no"

The bloodthirsty teen crossed her arms and pouted.
"Well? What do you want?"
"Did you kidnap anyone?"
"Nope~ not yet~ why?" She tilted her head to the side like a puppy.
"They lost a kid and think it's us" he pointed at the heroes, "well you hear her, she didn't take him, dunno who could've."


"Ugggh, my head.." Midnight groaned. "ALL MIGHT!" His body was slumped against the remainder of the wall.
"Who are you!?"
"Hahaha HAhahaha HAHHAHAHA" the unnamed figure cackled a dry broken laugh.                            "Commander, what the fuck are you doing?!" Yelled a pissed Shigiraki, while stepping forward to the hostile villain.
"I can't believe you actually thought I was working for you and your little gang!" He laughed while dodging the attacks from Aizawas capture weapon. "Oh how easy it was to gain your trust~"

"ASSHOLE!!! Toga get him!!!"
"Oooo~ Stabby-stabby!!!" She leaped into action and started trying to get him with her knife alongside Eraserhead who was also trying to capture him.
"Oh~ I can't wait to see you covered in blood~~"
"Oh I bet you can't, crazy~" His skin creased around his eyes as he flashed a disgusting smile.
She faltered for a second, "Ew"
"Hey she may be crazy but don't you fucking dare talk to her like that!" Spoke a voice from behind the disgusting excuse of a person,
"hu- fuck!" he yelled as he got his back burned by certain black-haired villain.
"Huh, I thought you'd be able to handle a little more heat with how much shit you talk." Commander had passed out.

Somewhere in a certain home

????? PoV

"Ughhh~ wha- where am I?" I looked around at the mess that surrounded me. "What have I done?!" Memories hit me,
'no no no no no why would I do that?!' I jumped up as quickly as I could and started searching for my phone.
'Where is it?! Where is it!!'
"There! Found it!" I dialled a used-to-be-familiar number hoping it was the correct number.
"Hello, Musutafu police department, detective Tsukauchi speaking, how may I help you?"
"Naomasa I'm coming over right now, don't you dare leave your office I'll be there in 10"

Back at the villains base

"What the fuck just happened?"
"Well apparently Dabi over there has helped us heroes capture a villain"
"Can you guys just like take him and leave? If we hear anything about a Izuku we'll leave you guys a message,"
"Wait! Kurogiri?"
"Yes Eraserhead?"
"Do you know anything about a Hisashi Midoriya? You were spotted giving him a portal"
"My apologies but I am unaware of who that might be, I just follow commands of where to have a portal, I don't ask for names"
"Alright, thank you for your cooperation, we'll be off with this guy now" Aizawa thank them and dragged Commander behind him leaving.

"How tf do we fix that wall?"  A crappy tv turned on,
"I'll do that," the building starts to shake and the wall builds itself up with the rubble that used to make the wall.
"You okay Toga?"
"He was so creepy, I bet his blood tasted bitter,"
"Here" Dabi passes her a box
"Huh? What's this?"
"Just open it!"
"Okay~" she hastily opens the box and gasps "OH MY GOODNESS, THANK YOU DABIII~" she jumps up hugging him while holding the new colourful knife.
"Calm down vampire, you're gonna stab me with that by accident!"
"Sorry, sorry! I love it!" She squeals while getting off of him.

With the heroes

"Where do we take him?" Ring ring, ring ring~
"I want him in UA, bring him to the basement,"
"Well that answers our question."
The hero group set off to UA dragging a villain and a passed out All Might. Quite a few pictures got taken of the strange sight, midnight dragging commander and Eraser dragging All Might. All three of the heroes phones were buzzing like crazy as the photos went viral.

This one's a bit shorter than usual but the next one shall be interesting, who woke up? You'll find out in the later chapters, anyways~
Psycho~Chan Out~

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