Chapter 4

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Third POV

"WAKE UP YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH!" You know who (the shitbag) screamed at his (sadly depressed) cinnamon roll of a child.

Izuku bolted awake and almost fell out of his bed from the sudden noise. He scrambled to his wardrobe, got dressed and ran as quickly as possible downstairs to make him breakfast.
'I'm definitely not getting any today, I'm so useless I can't even wake up to make my father breakfast. What would people think of me if they found out this.' "WHY ISNT BREAKFAST READY?!"
"S-sorry sir I slept in" I replied with my head down. One thing you never want to do unless told to is look him in the eyes. He goes ballistic, there's no doubt that he would kill me if I did.

"Why are you so useless, you can't even wake up to make breakfast and you had more than enough time to sleep. Go make me breakfast now you have 10 minutes!"
"Yes sir" I walked quickly to the kitchen and made pancakes with bacon and eggs. I learned how to make pancakes in 5 minutes so it wasn't a problem. Once I finished I got the plate with the food for (Hishiti) him and placed it on the table and called him over.

I stood in silence near the table but not too close as Hisashi ate throwing insults at me every few minutes.

He's right y'know. You can't do anything right, you're a waste of space.

'I know'

You're useless and worthless

'I know'

Y'know it would be better if you listened to your childhood 'friend' his advise was very useful and no one would have to waste money on you.

'You're right I should but he would go to jail for suicide baiting and I don't want that'

No one will find out, plus no one will care about a death of a quirkless attention seeker.

'Might as well try, it is summer break after all so no one would be near the school. Maybe next week on Sunday'

Do it on your birthday in two weeks it will be a gift to everyone including you, it's not like anyone will even remember it's your birthday.

'Thanks for the idea, I'll do that.'

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I hear my fathers harsh voice,
"you get no breakfast today and go to the room" I shivered when he mentioned the room, that room he's referring to is my torture room or my mothers old room. I usually get my punishment in there because he wants to 'make my mother proud of him' bullsh- 'Oi cinnamon no swearing' 'what, what, what? Where did that come from?' 'No need to worry cinnamon, just go back to the story' 'erm... ok'

My mother is probably a really sad angel if she watches what he does to me but if she's happy with it I wouldn't be surprised, I do deserve it after all it is my fault she's not here.
"Yes sir" I took his plate and washed it quickly and went to the room where my father was already waiting for me, a whip in hand and knives on the table in the corner of the room.

"You know the drill," my father stated. I took off my shirt and walked over to a chair and laid on it, stomach down.
"Heh. Now we can show your mother how useless you are" 'shit, whenever he call Inko my mother the beatings are bad like really bad, I'm dead, Yay'

You don't deserve to die like this or yet. You know you should die on your own. It should be you who kills yourself, not a murder, that's a too good fate for you.


'You're probably right, it's best if I kill myself not get killed by him, let's just hope he doesn't break my back with the whip or dama-"AAAGHHHHHHHHHHHH"

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