Chapter 12

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Aizawa PoV

I wake up at 4am on the couch with my husband laying on me. I push him off of me lightly not to wake him up, kiss his forehead and look around. I see Hitoshi sleeping on the armchair not looking very comfortable, so I pick him up and place him on the couch. I look around and realise problem child isn't here. I go to Hitoshis room, he's not there either. I check the basement, not here. I check the rest of the rooms and the bathroom, Not there.
"Fuck" I run to Hizashi and wake him up.
"I can't find Izu" he instantly shoots up and starts looking around the house. I check the garden, not here either, shit! I run back into the house.
"Any luck?"

Meanwhile with the cute bean also his PoV

I woke up at 3am so I went out making sure to not wake anyone. I decided to test out my wings so I walk to the park and when I was there I tried stretching my wings. Hmm... they won't open (warning muttering you do not need to read this)
"They probably won't open straight away because I never tried opening them and only just got them. They still hurt so that means if they get cut they will hurt. But if a feather falls out will it hurt? I won't try pulling them out because I don't know the consequences but if I don't, I won't know what will happen If someone pulls one out. Will it bleed or will it just grow back? I would need help from someone that has a quirk that's related with wings. Hawks would be a good person to ask for help but who am I kidding I would never be about to meet hi-"

"Hey little bird whatcha muttering about?"

"AHHHH" I jump back and look at who it was.
"Oh hello Hawks- WAIT HAWKS?!" I saw him cover his ears from my shouting.
"I'm so sorry" I apologise and bow.
"It's fine kid whatcha doing here so early?"
"Oh I woke up and decided to try out my quirk"
"So you've never used your wings before?"
"No I've only got them two days ago" what am I doing?! Why am I talking to him?! I don't deserve to!!
"Need help little bird?" He's offering to.. help me?
"I-if it's n-not t-too m-much trou-trouble"
"Of couse not, can you open them?"
"N-no when I tried they didn't budge"
"Have you tried making your wings part of you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Wings and tail are just additional limbs, therefore you should make them a part of you and and try controlling them like you do with your arms"
"Oh, thank you" so I started thinking about how my wings are like limbs and tried moving them again. They moved. Only a bit, but they did.

"See now that wasn't that hard now was it?" Hawks cheered me on. I tried again trying to make it feel natural. I moved I know I did but I didn't know how. I open my eyes and see Hawks staring at me. More specifically behind me. I turn my head to look behind me and I was shocked. My wingspan looked around 8 meters ??!!?? And they're BEAUTIFUL!!! The small amount of light from the lamp posts made my wings shine! I am too blessed.
"Hawks! Hawks! HAWKS!" He snapped out of it and smiled.
"They're beautiful" I blush I've never been complimented.
"Th-thank you"
"How about you try flapping your wings?"
"Okay" I try moving them again. They moved only a bit, but I was still tired.
"Take a break, you're tired"
"O-okay" I close my wings and sit down in the ground and he sits next to me.

"Why are you helping me?"
"I wouldn't be a good hero if I didn't help you"
We sat in silence for a while.
"You should get going home it's 4:10am"
I nod and stood up. I bow and say goodbye and walk home. It was 4:23am when I got home and I silently open the door. I expected to come back and see everyone still asleep. What I didn't expect was a sleeping Hitoshi and two crazy adults running around like headless chickens.
"Is everything okay?"
They stop running.
"Where did you go izuku?! We were worried!!"
"I'm sorry I went to try out my quirk, it won't happen again"
I bow. Aizawa pushed me up again.
"Please just tell us next time or leave a note."
"Yes sir"
"It's Aizawa"
"Yes Aizawa"
Aizawa nods in the direction of the kitchen, Izuku taking the hint walked into the kitchen with him.

Dun dun dunnnnnnnn.... The chapters are coming out quicker because I'm now writing them on lessons. If you have any ideas for future chapters please write them.
Psycho-Chan Out~

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