Chapter 8

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I don't know why but I couldn't add a youtube video I don't know why sorry.

Deku's PoV

'Where am I?' I start hearing people. 'What's happening?' I open my eyes only to be blinded by a bright hospital light. Wait... HOSPITAL?! 'WHAT AM I DOING HERE?!' I open my eyes slowly this time so I can adjust to the light. I look around and see that I am in fact in a hospital and the voices I heard were nurses.
"W-what am I doing here?" I ask and everyone looks at me. One of the soft looking nurses answered
"You tried to jump off the roof but you got caught and your back was bleeding" oh yeah I did try to jump huh.. wait I got caught? Who caught me? I try to sit up but I couldn't do it alone because of the pain so a nurse had to help me into a sitting position.
After they helped me they all went out of f the room.

"Who saved me? I don't remember much after falling off the roof. Hmmm" I was in my mind for a few minutes trying to think of who could've saved me.
I suddenly heard the door open so I looked to see who it was like every normal person should. I was shocked to see Aizawa, but I just smiled. "Hello" he didn't reply? What's wrong? He just kept staring. "Aizawa sir, are you okay?" I asked. He finally snapped out of it.
"You...wings...what? How?" Wings? What does he mean?
"Sir what do you mean?" I asked curiously.
"You got... wings." I. Have.
"WHAT?!" I turn around so quickly I could've sworn I could've gotten whiplash. I saw something miracle when I finally turned around. Two beautiful white wings with beautiful golden green tips.
"W-wow, they're beautiful!" That was all that I could choke out.
"Yeah they truly are" I heard mr Aizawa say.

We stayed in silence for a bit before I decided to break it.
"What are you doing here sir?" That seemed to snap him back into reality.
"Oh, why did you try to?" Oh so he was the one to save me...

You don't deserve to be saved.
You should go back home.
You should be punished.
You should've listened and tried on your birthday.
You should try again but this time don't fail.
You useless piece of shit.
Waste of space.

'I know...'

He didn't see the letter?
"It doesn't matter..." I replied looking away from him. I think he decided not to push because he didn't ask again. After a little bit he walked out of the room for god knows what and I let out a huge breath of relief.

Third PoV

When Aizawa walked out of the room he took out his and called Hizashi straight away.

H-Hizashi A-Aizawa

H- hey Shota what's up?

A- it's about Hitoshi's friend.

H- did he do something wrong is he a villain is he trying to manipulate Hito?!

A- no no calm down a bit, he just...

H- he what?

A- he attempted to, to y'know...

H- o-oh do you know why?

A- no he doesn't want to tell...

H- did he write a letter?

A- shit, yeah he did but I left it, imma go fetch it okay?

H- yeah okay tell me why when you find out.

A- okay love you bye.

H-bai! Love you!

*Aizawa hung up the phone* Aizawa then walked out of the hospital and jumped onto the nearest building using his capture weapon and he started to make his way to the building.

Time skip bought to you by Kaminari eating a pencil

This man they call Aizawa got there in no time.(sorry about the sentence structure I was bored) He walked up to the place the boy tried to jump and looked around the area. He quickly found the note as it was right underneath his bright red shoes (they will never change) and picked it up.

He started to read the letter. 'He thinks that his existence and even body is a burden?!' God this kids mental heath is worse than Hitoshis. (And damn bitch that's saying something) 'The next part of the letter is for a Bakugo, should I read it..? I don't know it seems personal, maybe I'll ask Hizashi or actually give it to the bakugo... no I can't do that, the kids not dead so there's no need to worry other people.'i take the note and put it in my pocket and then I also take his shoes and phone and start the swing away using my scarf.

I get back to the hospital and walk back to the kids room. I open the door to see him still not asleep. 'He should be asleep by now, he's too young to be able to stay up so late.'
"Hey kid" he turned to look at me, surprise evident in his eyes.
"Oh, hello s-Aizawa." I pulled out the piece of paper from my pocket, I placed his shoes on the floor and his phone on the table thingy next to his bed.
"May I read the last part?" I asked him while holding up the note. He looked hesitant but eventually and slowly nodded. I start reading the part for this Bakugo person. 'So I'm guessing this Bakugo person is one of his bullies and he took it too far and he's being abused by his father. He can't stay in that household for any longer... maybe... just maybe...

Cliffhanger my children. Sorry this took so long I'm super stressed lately I got a low grade already and my parents aren't happy so I need to study. It's really just all over the place. Anyways hope you liked it.
Psycho~chan out~

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