Chapter 20

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(I might start a war but I hate All Might)

??? PoV

Knife in one a large white feather in the other. I smirk and look at my reflection in the knife.
"His name is Izuku Midoriya, sir"

Third PoV

Aizawa: where the fuck are you?

Sorry we got caught up in something
we're coming back: Nemuri

"Come on Izuku, we need to go now, 'Zawas worried." He nodded then looked at kacchan.
"Has your number changed?" Katsuki shook his head indicating that he hasn't.
"Call me whenever" Izuku smiled and hugged Katsuki.
"Don't push your luck damnit"... Katsuki hugged back.

"Bye Kacchan."

(I hate the fact that everyone forgets that cannon Deku can pick up a whole entire buff All Might and thats 255kg so 560lbs)

"Bye damn nerd" Izuku smiled and turned to Mitsuki "bye auntie" ( I completely forgot that Masaru existed-) "Tell uncle that I said hello"
"Of course darling" Izuku then walks out the doore after Nemuri, waving one last time before getting into the car and driving off onto the busy roads of Musutafu.

Izukus PoV

About 20 minutes later we pull up in the driveway and take my bags and paint into my room, on the way to my room we say hi to da-aizawa. We got to my room and placed all of my items down.
"you want any help?"
"No thank you"
"call me if you need anything!"

And just like that I was off. I moved all of my furniture to one side and I was about to unscrew the shelf but... I had no screwdriver.

I quietly walk out of my room, down the hall and into the basement. It's as cluttered as always but there should be a screwdriver here somewhere, right? I set off into the sea of junk just to find a screwdriver. After 13 minutes 43 seconds and 26 milliseconds I found one, actually a box of them but it was really far back so I started to climb over a few definitely not sturdy items to reach it. One finger touched it, and another, just as I was about to grab it my foot slipped.

All of the badly placed furniture fell pulling me down with it and piling on top of me. I coughed from the sudden lack of air. My vision blurred but didn't black out, I hit my head. Hard. The concrete floors cooling my back and the bang of the accident traveled up the stairs and into the main building.

Two pairs of footsteps could be heard running into the basement. The clicking of shoes on concrete started making my head hurt even more, but I couldn't get up to get away from the vibrations. The furniture was too heavy to push off my myself.

"OH MY GOD, IZUKU!" Screeched Miss Nemuri and not too long after you could hear the voice of da-Aizawa telling Miss Nemuri to help him move the furniture off of me. One by one they took furniture off of me. When I could finally breathe I took a deep breath and sat up. I looked up at the two worried adults. "Thank you" Miss Nemuri nodded but da-Aiz Y'know what? F it. Dad stood there silently.

"...Aizawa..?" It came out just above a whisper. He then feel onto his knees and hugged me tightly. I didn't react. Huh? I finally hugged back.
"What the fuck problem child?"
"What were you trying to do?"
"Oh em well I needed a screwdriver and I didn't want to bother you. Sorry"
"Next time tell me"
"Yes dad"

He finally let me go, gave me the screwdrivers and shooed me out of the basement. Before walking out of the basement I look back at Aizawa only to see him hugging Mrs Nemuri tightly.

I let out a sorry before scurrying out of the basement and into my room. Okay. Let's do this. I unscrewed the shelf and threw it onto my bed. I grab the bucket of paint and the brush. I open the paint with a ruler that was on my desk and mix the paint with it. Luckily it was plastic so the paint would come off easily. With that done I start my masterpiece.

Couple of hours later

There! I did it. I finished painting and organising, now I need to wait for the paint to dry so I can push the furniture up to the wall.


I run downstairs and into the living room and bow. Whenever I got called I always get a very kind beating.

"Why are you bowing Problem Child?"
"I'm ready for my birthday beating sir"

I heard Aizawa curse under his breath before he started walking towards me. I close my eyes ready to get hit.

Aizawas PoV

I walk up to the bowing child and kneel down before pulling him into a hug. I could feel the stare of Hitoshi, Nemuri, Hizashi and Nezu. I could tell Izuku was surprised. I hope we can make him feel safe soon.

??????? PoV

"How about we pay a little visit to a fellow birdy?"

I can finally write as I can now take off my cast I'm getting it off completely on Monday and currently I'm going on a two day trip so I have plenty of time to write. Anyways

Psycho~Chan Out~

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