Chapter 23

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Third PoV

It's three in the morning and Izuku couldn't sleep in the luxurious bed prepared for him. The reason? The "doctor" that, oh so admired the malnourished winged boy, was sleeping soundly, tightly hugging 'his little birds' poor wings.

You see, Izuku may not have been sleeping but that doesn't mean that he was bored.  So many things we're running through his mind that he was on the verge of mumbling, words occasionally slipping past his lips. Luckily not enough to wake the creep next to him.

Izuku still couldn't make up his mind. 'Was this person a villain or not?' The man hasn't done anything necessarily bad. In fact he's been very kind to the small boy. You can't blame Izuku for slightly enjoying the affection but he knew he shouldn't get attached or else it'll just hurt more when the man turns his back on him. 'Just like when father started abusing me.' He shivered at the thought, but then he also thought about the good times.

Before his mother died, they'd often go out for ice cream and walk around in the park for hours. More often then less, they'd come home so late that mama Inko would chase them around the house with a spatula, then they'd all end up on the king sized bed in the master bedroom, laughing and exhausted. After that Mama Inko would invite them to the table, serve dinner and they'd chat about what they did that day.

The rest of the night was spent with Izuku thinking about his family and the good memories but also his adopted family. Shota, Yama and his unofficial brothers: Shinso and Bakugou. ( I have decided that this story will have no ship as i do not want to deal with the comments and this'll be more wholesome) His new family is so caring and kind.

"Little bird~ It's time to stop daydreaming~" Izuku blinked a few times before turning his head to face the man. "Would you allow me to fix your wings?" Izu nodded. A large hand moved his direction landing on his back, between the shredded wings. Izuku screamed as his quirk got into action. The agony of having his wings ripped off and rearranged, nearly made him pass out. The tipping point was when they got stuck back into his back.


Silence was all that filled the room. The screams died down when the boy passed out and hit the pillows. The screams echoed through the corridors. Many ran towards the room. A little girl among them. She was running the fastest. Wanting, no, needing to get to the source first. Well that was before she got scooped up and taken the opposite direction of the screech.

Three men, all with masks, burst into the room. "SIR IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?!" "Yes it is. Now get out and one of you tell the cooks to make breakfast before I dismember you all." "Yes Sir." They chimed before exiting said room. "Idiots" the mad muttered before pulling on his white stainless gloves and exiting the room himself.

Nezus' PoV

"Sir! We have managed to track down one of the places he could've been taken!" Jolting up from my seat I jump onto my desk nearly knocking over one of the many teacups scattered around it. "Well?" "We have reason to believe that Midoriya Hisashi is working with the LOV as we have found camera footage of him protecting Shigiraki Tomura and then the both of them being warped somewhere." One of the men spoke, while I grabbed the tablet they were presenting me. 

The screen showed a map and on the map there was a marked building. The building was a bar, a really rundown bar at that, but the building was rather small.. "Are you sure this could be the place? The bar is rather small, where would they keep a child?" "About that, we checked the plans of the city and on it we saw that there is a set of underground tunnels and rooms right beneath the bar, we aren't excluding the fact that they could've made themselves and entrance or they could be using the warping quirk to get them underground."

I handed them back the tablet and grabbed the phone calling Aizawa "I want you to get Midnight and a few underground heroes here in 30 min max," and with that I sent off my hackers and waited for Aizawa to answer, "Aizawa we think we have found out where Izuku is! Come to my office as soon as possible and we'll go over the details with the rescue team we will use." 

7 minuets passed since I hung up the phone and Aizawa swung in through my window breathing heavily as if he just ran a marathon. "Where is my son?" he spoke breaking the tense silence. "We aren't quite sure but we should wait for the others to arrive before I go into the details, what's important is that we may have found him." He grunted before nodding and sitting on one of the sofas placed around.

A few minuets passed before, finally the door got shoved open and the rescue team walked being led by my hackers. Aizawa grumbled an 'about damn time' while I motioned them all to sit. "So as we all know, a child, more specifically, Aizawas son, has been kidnapped by his biological father, Midoriya Hisashi. The kidnapping took place a few days ago in broad daylight, he was with Aizawa and pro hero Hawks when it happened. according to the two heroes they got swallowed up by a dark purple mist indicating that Midoriya Hisashi is working with the now recognised, LOV. We have found the hideout of the LOV which could be, potentially where they are keeping the child. We suspect he is being kept in the tunnels under the building so we will have to form two teams of heroes so we can attack from both, the top and the bottom..."

And so the determined heroes continued to form a rescue plan. Unbeknownst to them, they were miles off of where the child was actually being kept.

Hello everyone! I'm so sorry this chapter took so long to come out, i hope you enjoyed it and have a nice day/night. Anyways~

Psycho~Chan Out~ 

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