Chapter 15

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I'm a simp for Bakugo and Dabi.

~The flashback~  TRIGGER WARNING

5 year old Izuku was sitting quietly in his room, when his dad came into his room.
"You have a guest, be nice to him~"
Izuku nodded and then came in a man around 30 years of age and Hisashi walked out and closed the door.

"Well aren't you adorable~" The man reached out and placed his hand on his head.
"Fluffy" Izuku smiled at the compliment but that smile was quickly wiped off of his face when the hand on his head significantly tightened its grip and he got shoved onto his bed and the man smiled. "Be a good boy and don't move~"

Izukus PoV

I started shivering and backing away from Aizawa. I tripped on a cat a fell onto my butt, the force of my fall made my wings hurt more but I didn't care about it and kept on backing up until I hit the wall.

I saw Aizawas confusion but he didn't dare move closer to me, I didn't know why. Did he not want to do anything to me? That doesn't make sense at all, why wouldn't he? First I disobey, then he made the actions. Why is he not coming to get me? Take what he wants?

"Hey, Izu I'm not gonna hurt you okay?" Aizawa said while crouching down. He moved so he was on his knees and carefully watched me. I hesitantly stand up and walk over in front of Aizawa. He smiled at me and patted the floor in front of him. I kneeled down infront of him, while he opened his arms. I stared at him and then at his arms.

What did he want? Why are his arms open? I tilted my head while looking back at him and I think he understood that I didn't know what he meant because he moved. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in.

"W-what are y-you do-doing?"
"Hugging you" he replied in a sad tone.
I hugged him back and buried my face into his neck and cried. We sat there on the ground until I calmed down.

"Wanna tell me what happened" my eyes shot wide and I sook my head no. He nodded and then stood up.
"C'mon, why don't you rest" I nod and walk with Aizawa into Shinsos room. I was about to lay down on the floor when Aizawa stopped me.
"On the bed"

I lay down on the bed and pretend to fall asleep. The truth is I don't like sleeping. I always get nightmares and sleeping makes me wake up too late. The nightmares are usually flashbacks. Sometimes they include mom. I don't really know how she looked like but I've seen a few pictures of her a few years ago so I know how she theoretically looked like, just not for sure.

I wish she was here though. A stray tear ran down my face and dripped onto the pillow followed by many others. I held in a sob as not to alarm anyone, I've already caused enough trouble.

"Y'know, crying gives away the fact that you're not asleep."
My eyes shot open. "Sorry"
Hitoshi walked over and pulled me up onto his lap, "Don't apologise, you've done nothing wrong. But... wanna share why you were crying..? You don't have to of course it's only a proposal"
"I miss mom, she was such a good person! Why? Wh-why..? WHy hEr!?!?"
Hitoshi hugged me while I dug my face into his shoulder and cried my eyes out. He then dug his face into my hair and kissed the curls on top of my head while also whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

Shinsou PoV

It's a little cold in the house so I decided to grab a hoodie. When I got to my room I saw Izuku laying on the bed, crying.
"Y'know, crying gives away the fact that you're not asleep." I saw his body stiffen and then he apologised. 'You really need to stop apologising' I walk over to him and pull him onto my lap.
"Don't apologise, you've done nothing wrong. But... wanna share why you were crying..? You don't have to of course it's only a proposal!"
'Shit I could hurt him more'
"I miss mom, she was such a good person! Why? Wh-why..? WHy hEr!?!?!"
'So his mother got killed' I hug him and press my face into his curls and kiss them and whisper sweet nothings into his ear.

I kept on comforting him until he fell asleep. I placed him down on the bed and put a blanket on him. When I realised what happened I grab my hoodie and run out of the room as fast as I could to my parents.

After I put on the hoodie, I look at dad.
"Dad I may have found out a bit of Izukus past. Not much but just one detail."
"What is it?"
"I think his mother may have been murdered and he was there to see it" that made them both freeze. "..what?... this poor kid. Im gonna ask Tsukauchi about his mother later."
"How did you find this out tho?"
"I went to get my hoodie because someone turned off the heating (I glared at papa) and he was crying when I asked him why he said he misses his mother and then kept on repeating why her." They nod.

"Anyways dinner is ready and this time it's not fire." Papa and I laugh nervously. "and I'm gonna leave some in the microwave for Izuku for when he wakes up so one of you either tell him or Hitoshi write a note and leave it next to him or something." We nod.

This was a nightmare to write but I hope you enjoy it!
Psycho~Chan Out~
P.S. does anyone even read these?

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