Chapter 21

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???? PoV

"Yes sir~"

Nezus' PoV

This poor boy has been through so much I can't believe it. That reaction was so intense. He was so used to it. I can sense him analysing the room. He knows how many people are here and where we are. He feels our gaze. He knows I know. He's smart. I like him. I smirk. I need to play some chess with him, he's a worthy opponent.

Third PoV

The sight of Nezu somehow calmed Izuku down. How and why? Nobody knows. Izuku lightly tugged Aizawas shirt as a sign to let go of him. The moment he was free, he walked up to Nezu and bowed.
That shocked Aizawa.
"Why hello little player, what do you need?"
"Principal Nezu, correct?"
"That is correct, why?"
"You realised me analysing you and the room. You see me as a worthy opponent."
Aizawa and everyone else was confused.
"That is also correct, little player. Tell me have you ever done an IQ test?"
"Nezu what the hell-"
"No I haven't principal Nezu"
Aizawa has already given up.
"Well then little player, how about we give you one soon?"
"That is fine with me principal Nezu."
"That's lovely then."
"Principal Nezu."
"Yes, little player?"
"You have trauma."
Everyone froze. Izuku felt that he did something wrong.
"I apologise Principal Nezu."
"It's fine little player, but how did you know?"
"You're stiff around humans, experimenting I assume."
"That shall be correct."
Everyone-Nezu was shocked. HOW DID HE FIGURE THAT OUT?!
"Anyways enough with the chitchat, we have a special day to celebrate."
"I do not understand what is so special about this day, what are we celebrating if I am not getting beaten?"
"We are celebrating the gift, that is you, being born."
"Oh, I see"

Nemuri stepped up,
"well then Izuku how about we have some fun before we have some cake?"
Izuku nodded slowly as he didn't know what it meant.
"Great! Come on!"
Shinsou grabbed Izukus hand and dragged him outside. Everyone else followed.
"I'm gonna take you to a building as your present from us."
Izuku nodded and let himself be dragged the whole way there.

"Okay, close your eyes"
Izuku closed his eyes. Shinsou led him inside the building and into the back.
"Okay Izu, you can open your eyes now."
Izuku opened his eyes and looked around. He had sparkles emitting from him. Turning around he bowed and thanked everyone.
"It's nothing Izu, how about you go pick one?"
"I-I can have one..?"
"Yep, and it's all on us."
"Thank you!" Izuku gave a tiny smile before running off into the adoption centre and picking a cute, fiery, blond kitten.
"Your name is gonna be..... Suki!"
"Dad! Papa! I found the kittty I would like!"
"That's great izu, you should choose him a collar and bed"
Hizashi nodded.
Izuku sparkled and ran off to get a collar and bed.

Suki- 3 months

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Suki- 3 months

Suki- 3 months

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"Hizashi, Please stop crying

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"Hizashi, Please stop crying."
"B-but he called me papa!"
"I know Zashi, I know but please you can't keep on crying in the middle of an adoption centre."

"Papa mic? Why are you crying? D-did I do something wrong? I'm sorry!"
"You did nothing wrong Izu! Have you got everything?"
Izuku nodded and showed them everything.
"Okay let's go pay and adopt the little dude"
They walked to the till, signed the adoption papers and payed.

They walked back home and left Suki in Izukus room before leaving again to go to a restaurant. Before they made it there Izuku got snatched into the air by an unknown person. They flew away too fast for Aizawa to grab them with his scarf  so he takes off after them and follows them to a park? Huh?

When they land Aizawa takes a proper look at the kidnapper. Oh.

Izuku just stood there, eyes wide, clearly petrified.
"Shit, sorry baby bird, didn't mean to scare you like that!"
Izuku still didn't move so Aizawa went towards him.
Finally when Aizawa hugged Izuku they got a reaction.
"I'm sorry"
"Hey hey hey, Izu it's okay, nothing happened."
Izuku slightly nodded before looking at Hawks.
"Sorry kiddo, didn't mean to scare ya."
The scared child nodded. Hawks tried to get close but Izu stepped back before freezing.
"Hey baby bird I'm not gonna hurt you"

Izuku wasn't scared of hawks. He was scared of the man standing behind hawks smirking at him.
"Baby bird?"
Izuku moved. He dashed forward, yanked Hawks away from the man with the knife and stood before him with his head down.
"Well well well, the little toy remembers its place. You've got some lovely feathers there, would be a shame if they got a little... ruffled up."
"STEP away from the child!"
"How about... no Eraserhead~ and Hawks I suggest getting your feathers away from me."
Aizawa was about to say something but before he could a purple mist started swallowing the two males up.
"See you next time, Heroes~"

And with that, they left.
"Nono no no no no NO. It's all my fault, im sorry Shota."
"No, it's not your fault, none of us knew that was going to happen. We need to get back to the others and start searching for Izuku asap"

"What a lovely little toy I have. So small and obedient. So perfect. Let's have some fun, shall we little one?~"
Izuku could only nod as he was tied to a bed in only his underwear. His wings were painfully under him and felt like they would break on impact. The light was dim and Izuku couldn't see the predators face but he didn't need it to identify the disgusting human in front of him. It was his fathers friend, Zenaku. The nice man from his childhood...

Well that took a dark turn, anyways hope you all ah e a great day.
Psycho~Chan Out~

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