Chapter 13

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Third PoV

Izuku walked into the kitchen after Aizawa and and stood in the corner of the room obediently. Aizawa just shook his head. "Sit" he said and pointed to the chair. Izuku nodded and sat while shaking, thinking he would get punished again. Aizawa dipped his coffee that he got from god knows where and started making breakfast. He plated the food and gave Izuku a small portion and put the other portions on the table.
"Breakfast!!" Izuku stiffened when he shouted. Hizashi and and Hitoshi came to the kitchen and sat at the table.

They started eating. All except for Izuku. Again. Aizawa looked at him.
"Why aren't you eating?"
"Im still content with the food I got last night Aizawa."
Hitoshi and Hizashi were really worried after they heard that but Aizawa just sighed and told him he didn't have to eat. Izuku nodded and apologised to Aizawa for going through the trouble of making him food but him not eating it. Aizawa told him it was fine and that he could leave the table. Izuku walked into the living room and sat in the corner and played with the cats that came over to him.

When the family finished eating they all went to their rooms and Izuku overheard Aizawa telling Hizashi that he will do the dishes later. When Izuku was sure it was safe he went to the kitchen and started washing the dishes, somehow silently. After a few minutes of him doing the dishes Hitoshi walked in to get some coffee.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm repaying Aizawa for the food that I didn't eat"
"You don't need to do that"
"I wasted food that Aizawa bothered to make for me"
"You didn't waste you just couldn't eat it"
"So I wasted it"
Hitoshi sighed. Izuku finished the last plate and was about to got back into his corner when Hitoshi spoke. "Come on. We can go to our room and get to know each other a bit,"
Izuku was shocked but still nodded and followed Hitoshi to his room.

"Sit down" Izuku sat down next to the bed. "On the bed please" Izuku sat down on the bed. (God I love simple sentences) Shinsou nodded and then smiled at Izuku. It caught Izuku off guard, he tried smiling back but his smile was just a wobbly line.
"So what do you like doing in your free time?" Shinsou asked hoping that the poor abused boy liked doing something.
"I like analysing, going on walks and parkour.(adding in some spice) What about you, what do you like?"

"I like cats and playing video games with papa(Hizashi)" Izuku nodded in acknowledgement. They sat in an awkward silence for a bit before Hitoshi realised that this kid has no idea how to make conversation so he asks him a different question. "When is your birthday?" (Me that had to go back and count how many days till his birthday)
"15th July" Izuku answered bluntly. '15th July, that's in 10 days' Shinsou nodded.
"What do you want to do today?" Izuku looked confused. 'Shinsou is asking me what I like to do? Huh? Why?'

Maybe he's hoping you will leave and never come back here.

Izuku shook his head and said that he doesn't mind. Shinsou nodded and they kept on talking until it was around 7am so when Aizawa goes to train Shinsou. It was more of an one way conversation, mainly Shinsou was asking questions and Izuku was answering them.

Aizawa came into the room to come and get both of the teens.
"Come on its time to go train" both of them nodded and went after Aizawa. Izuku obviously behind both of them walking silently. They went into the basement and then through a door into the training room. Izuku looked around the room, it was a huge plain and there was one small window at the top. While looking around the room Izuku he realised the weapons.

They're gonna beat you~

They don't like you

They took you in so they could beat you worse than your father did.

Izuku stiffened and Aizawa and Shinsou saw the plain fear in his eyes. Aizawa tried to talk to him to snap him out of it but Izuku couldn't here him. He was staring at the weapons. Aizawa tried snapping his fingers infront of Izuku but when Izuku heard the snap he flinched but stayed in the same position not listening to Aizawa and waiting for his punishment.

They're waiting for you to relax so it would hurt more~

You're so useless even the people that were so nice to you got mad at you~

They regret taking you in~

You took up too much space, you're so fat

You ha-

"IZUKU!" Izuku snapped out of it. He bowed,
"Izuku it's okay, are you okay?"
'No' "yes I'm fine, thank you"
"How about you go play with the cats and if you need anything tell Hiza- Yamada"
Izuku nodded and walked out of the room up the stairs. Hitoshi and Aizawa locked eyes and nodded 'he needs to open up and get some therapy'

Izuku walked upstairs and into the kitchen wanting to get a glass of water to calm down but, being short is a pain especially if everyone else in the house is tall. And Izuku hasn't grown much because of all of the abuse so he stood at 5'2" or 157cm (just in case you don't do inches like me) while the cupboard was at 6' or 182cm. Izuku was struggling and he didn't want to climb up there as he didn't want to make the chairs dirty. He was concentrating so hard that he didn't hear Yamada walk into the kitchen.

"Do you need some help?" Izuku jumped back and almost fell onto the floor.
"Woah there, careful. Here" Yamada said while taking down the glass for Izuku. Izuku bowed,
"thank you"
"You're welcome and you don't need to bow"
"sorry" Izuku said still bowing. Yamada decided to not say anything else because he knew Izuku would apologise again. Izuku walked over to the cup, lightly picked it up and walked over to where the drinks sat.
"May I?" He asked Yamada.
"Of course, no need to ask" Izuku nodded and got himself the drink. After he finished drinking he walked into the living room, sat in the corner and played with the cats that came up to him.

Thank you for being patient, I've been really stressed I hope you can forgive me for not posting for so long. Anygays I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Psycho~Chan Out~

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