Chapter 16

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Let's use the time that I'm in the hospital to do this.

Izukus' PoV

I woke up on a soft bed, honestly surprised that I had no nightmares this time, I wonder why? I tried to sit up but arms wrapped around my waist stopped me. I started panicking.
'Please don't be them, please don't be them, please don't be them!' 

I try to wriggle out of the grip, but the person tightened their grip.
"Stop moving" a raspy voice said.
"P-please l-let me g-go!"
The grip loosened and I managed to get out of it. I turn around to see who it was.
"Oh... it's Shinsou.."

I walk out of the room and into the kitchen, I was a little hungry, maybe they have some leftovers that I can eat!

"Whatcha doing up this early?" The tired voice that I recognise very well asked.
"S-sorry I woke up and was hoping to get a bit of food"
"There's food in the microwave for you"
"T-thank y-you Aizawa"
He nodded and continued drinking his coffee that I only just realised. I took the food and started eating.
"When you finish eating, I'm gonna change your bandage." I nod and carry on eating. I didn't eat much, as usual, but I did eat more than usual so it's all good!

I walk over to Aizawa and sit down with my wings facing him. He carefully unwrapped that bandage, spread the cream he got from Hawks on it and wrapped it back up with a new bandage.
"Thank you, may I ask for the time?"
"You're welcome and it's 3:30 am"
'what am I gonna do, I can't go back to sleep..'
"Wanna come with me to the park and train a bit?" Aizawa asked me and I nodded
"Yes please!"

Aizawa left a note and we went out to the park. "Do you train at all?"
"Erm I kind of know how to use a bo staff and I do parkour"
"Why do you know how to use a bo staff?"
"I didn't have many things to do when I was younger and my dad sometimes left his pole that he hit me with in the basement, so I played around with it."
"Okay, how about I train you a bit? Like punching kicking, the simple things." I nod and that's what happened.

When we got to the park, Aizawa started teaching me. Aizawa taught me a proper fighting stance and how the get the strongest punches. At sunrise we were messing around on rooftops. Aizawa jumped across a large gap between two buildings and stood there smirking at me as if saying 'what now?'

But what he didn't expect was me to go to the other side of the building run onto a chimney and jump across the gap. In the corner of me eye I saw him tossing his scarf towards me but before it was halfway there I spread my wings to soften the impact and landed on my feet.

Aizawas PoV

Izuku and I were messing around on roof tops when I had a very stupid idea yet I wanted to know what problem child would do as he can't use his wings. I jumped a large gap and turned around smirking at him, as if challenging him.

I then saw him run to the back of that roof?? What is he doing? I then saw him running towards this roof. WTF IS HE DOING?! He then ran up and jumped off a chimney towards this roof. SHIT! I threw my scarf desperately not wanting him to fall, but then he spread his wings and landed on the roof... that was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. (Heads up it's sunrise so there are pretty colours)

I ran up to problem child and hugged him tight.
"Don't do that again, please!"
"S-sorry Aizawa, I didn't mean to scare you.."
"It's okay, you're safe that's all that matters."

We hugged for a few minutes before I let him go.
"We should head back" I saw him nod and we jumped the rooftops back to our house.

Thats it for this chapter as I have no clue what else to write in it. The next chapter might be out today as well. Anyways
Psycho~Chan Out~

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