Chapter 21

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There were more things in your old room than you expected. Even Loki started to help with packing and moving things to your shared room.

After a while you are done with moving the items, you still need to unpack the boxes but that's something for later.

"Can I ask you a question?" Loki asks when you move back to the hallway while he was taking things out of his pocket dimension.
"You healed Bucky?"
You nod, waiting for Loki to collect his words.
Leaning against the doorpost you watch as a lot of emotions go through Loki, sometimes this cold mask goes over him, no emotions. His green eyes more of a blue hue.

"It's still not fully gone, is it?" You ask carefully.
"Parts still remain in his grasps, I can't get it out. The healers in Asgard were unable to remove it. They did block it, and I managed it with some of my seidr."
"I can help? I'll have to hear about any upcoming missions, but I can help."
"You'll have to tell me the general things about it. I need a general view on what it is I am healing. The telling might be the hardest part. Once passed that, the healing won't hurt you. It might make you tired, and I do have limits that I can't cross. My own abilities nearly killed me last time."
"I... I'll think about it."

You smile at Loki and nod "it's an open invitation. No time limit."
"Thank you."
You smile and move from the doorpost to turn around and enter your room, when Loki calls again.

You turn back, his face one of mischief.
"I can put a silencing spell around your room." He smirks.
Your cheeks turn bright red when he says that.
"I-I... Ehm..."
"That would be kind, Loki." Bucky answers, as he appears at the door opening of your room.
That deepens the red on your cheek.
"So easily flustered." Steve walks to you and wraps his arms around your waist.
He looks at Loki and nods, "we wouldn't mind a silencing spell. Now I'm going to take her upstairs to get some fresh air before she passed out."
"I always thought you to be more innocent, Captain Rogers." Loki sounds utterly delighted.

Bucky starts laughing from where he is standing.
"Don't let that face fool you. He's worse than me."
Steve smiles before steering you to the elevator to get some fresh air

"We heard what he asked you." Steve says as the elevator goes up.
"I want to help him. You didn't see his face. He's still fighting the control. He is still hurting."
"I believe you. I can't say I fully trust him, but I don't hate him."
"Good because if he made up his mind about telling me, I might need to observe him closely. I don't know what happened to him, and the control that is held over him is different than Buck's. I'll need you and Bucky close too just in case."

The elevator opens and you step inside the cold wind, dark sky right in front of you.
"Of course we'll be there. We support you."

You two stand there for a while, goosebumps on your arms slightly shivering. But the feeling of being outside in the cold where barely anyone bothers you helps.

"I don't mean to interrupt, Ms. Y/N, Mr Rogers and Mr Barnes. Mr. Stark told me to please get off the roof as you've been here for a long while and he is worried about you getting sick." 

You blink. "What time is it, Jarvis?"
"It's nearing 4.30am, Ms. Y/n."
You turn to look at your two super soldiers, Bucky standing behind Steve. Now hugging each other close. It feels intimate to watch. Yet it doesn't bother you.
"You okay now, Doll?"
"Yeah. I just... I was lost in thought."
"We realised. You didn't hear anyone or anything at some point."
"I'm sorry if I worried you."
Both shake their head and open their arms so you can walk in the middle with them at your sides.

In the elevator, you ask Jarvis to bring you to the kitchen so you can make a hot cocoa to warm up again.

When you enter the kitchen area, Tony is already there. You still feel a bit apprehensive about him so you are more careful around him.
"I made you three these. Thought you'd need something to warm up." He each hands you a mug of hot cocoa.
"Thank you Tony."

He keeps lingering for a bit until you ask, "what's on your mind?"
"Loki. He... Are you sure he's safe?"
You smile gently, "yes Tony. I'm very sure about that. He never meant to do what he did in New York."
You keep silent for a bit before taking a leap, "I know it must have been traumatising for you to fall down like that in New York. And that you relate that to Loki. So it is okay if it takes a while before trust is built. We understand, and I think Loki would understand too if you explain your apprehension."

Tony's eyes turn guarded again. "Nothing wrong with trauma. I-... I never told anyone how I got these powers to heal, and I am not ready to unpack that yet, but know that trauma is involved. So I have an idea on what that feels like. And that is okay. Take all the time you need."

Tony's face turns very vulnerable for a second before he leaves. Right before he exits the kitchen area he turns around, "I... Thank you."
You smile at him before he turns and leaves again. Probably to his lab.

"You never told us..." Steve says.
"I know. I just... It wasn't relevant at the time."
"Will you tell us one day?"
"Yeah, one day. Just not... Not now. I'm okay now. I honestly am."
You turn to your two boyfriends and smile.
"Let's go to bed and sleep in. I think we'll need that."

Steve lifts you up and you giggle. Bucky and him walk to your room, you being carried.
Once in your room, they close the door and drop you on the bed.
"Loki and I rearranged everything for you." Bucky answers when he sees you looking at the tidy room. No boxes.
"Thank you."

Bucky throws you your pyjamas so you put them on while sitting in the middle of the bed, not caring that they both see you change.
Both lie down next to you, hugging you and each other close.
You should feel claustrophobic, instead you feel cared and loved.
It doesn't take long for you to fall asleep to the breathing pattern of both Bucky and Steve.

A/n: sorry I'm a little late with the chapter!
Had to arrange some things. I can finally go back to work, so this work-a-holic doesn't feel locked up anymore hahaha.
I got the go-ahead from the doctor and my fysiotherapist!! I start my first shift since 6 weeks in less than 2hours!

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