Chapter 26

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Loki seems to be thinking for a bit, while you wait what she has to tell you.
"It's a combination," she starts, "it's both your gift and your bond with those two." Loki glances at Steve and Bucky before turning back to you.

You look confused, "how?"
Loki smiles before she answers, "like I thought it is indeed your gift evolving. Things that are locked are now unlocked. If I understood what happened correctly there are still things locked up tight. And then that golden thread that I followed, it's your bond with them. It seems like the three of you have created something special. Something deep rooted that it intertwined your souls. It's a beautiful thing to have, and oh so rare. Only a few have a bond this strong, a love this pure. If you combine those 2, you get what you have now. This feeling of unease, of something that might go wrong. It's your gift warning you about a possible danger."

You close your eyes for a moment, trying to proces all this.
"So my feeling might be right. Tomorrow there might be things going wrong."
"Might being the key word. It's not fact based, but feeling based. The chance is indeed higher that something might go wrong and it is important to listen to that feeling but it is not set in stone that something will go wrong."
You nod, still processing.

"And there are still parts of my gift locked up?"
"Yes. I do not know what. I just know that there are still things not presenting as active part of your gift. So in other words parts that are still locked."
You nod.

"I'm going to lose my mind tomorrow." You confess.
"We'll stay more in the middle of the formation so that there is always someone who can reach us just in case." Steve tries to sooth your anxious feeling.
"And like we said before, with the first signs of something not being right, we'll contact you through the comms and you can pick us up."

"And I know how to fly the quinjet!" You hear Natasha say from the kitchen.
It startles you that she heard everything.
"Thank you."

Natasha walks over to sit on the couch next to Bucky, a elegant martini glass in hand.
"So, you are unlocking gifts now, I heard." She says, trying to liven up the atmosphere without losing the severity of what has been spoken about.
"So it seems yeah." You try to sound less worried.

Loki takes your hand, "we're there tomorrow."
You nod and take a deep breathe.

"I think it's time that we take our sweetheart upstairs, watch a movie and make her less anxious so that she at least sleeps a little tonight." Steve says as he gets up.
He holds out his hand for you to take.
Still a bit shaken up, you take Steve's hand and holds your other one out for Bucky. Steve does the same with his free hand.
Bucky smiles and takes both hands while sitting up.

"Thank you Loki, for helping Y/n out." Bucky smiles at the Goddess before moving with Steve and you to the elevator. You nod with a small smile at Loki before moving into the elevator.

"Are you okay, Doll?"
"Yeah, just worried... I don't want to lose you. I... I... I love you too much, it hurts to even think that I might possibly love you. I just... I..." Your breathing becomes difficult.
"Hey, hey, Sweetheart. We love you too, you don't have to worry. We're here and not going anywhere. Nat will make sure the jet is close by tomorrow."

"Now, let's focus on today. Tomorrow is still a day away." Bucky says before pressing a kiss on your head, on Steve's hand.

A/n: I want to give Loki some sort of love interest too... But not sure who too many options. Anyone any suggestions? No one is off limits, aside from Steve, Bucky and Y/n obviously!
Let me know!

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