Chapter 13

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The walk is not that long. We're standing in front of a fancy Italian restaurant. "They have the most delicious pastas, and the vegetarian options are heaven." Bucky says as he leads you inside. Steve is talking to the person at the desk. Giving his name and mentioning he had a reservation.
"Very well Mr. Rogers, please follow me." You follow the lady and the lead you to a table where there is a lot of privacy. No eavesdropping people. Bucky mentions for you to sit down before he sits down next to you, Steve sits down opposite you. They have a plan otherwise they wouldn't have cut off your escape route. Not sure if you needed one but it is endearing to know they cut it off.

"We'd like a bottle of white wine please." Steve orders. You were so caught up in your thoughts you weren't aware a waitress came.
"And a glass of water please." You say gently. She nods and walks away. The two guys look at each other before both looking at you.
"What is going on?" You ask, starting to feel uneasy.
"Natasha talked to us." Steve starts.

You feel the colour drain from your face and you let out a silent curse. "I told her to let it go."
"She has a mind of her own." Bucky says as he looks at Steve, silently nodding.

"She told us basically everything." Steve hinted.
"I'm going to kill her."
"Why'd you never told us?" Bucky asks, ignoring your threat to the Russian spy.
"Because you two are together. You two are happy together. I don't want to ruin what you guys have."
Steve smiles softly and holds out his hand for you to take. You hesitate but decide to take his hand in yours.

"Is that what was on your mind back then?"
You freeze but nod, looking down at the table. Gently metal fingers push your chin up, making you look up.
"You should've told us. We wouldn't have had this happening to you if we talked more. We should have hinted more too. But we were afraid you might get spooked and run off where we weren't able to find you." Steve says. You look at him.
"What?" Your eyes widen and you look at the two super soldiers.

"The day you healed me, was the day I saw something special. I told Steve and he wasn't jealous like I thought he would. He subtly followed you until he saw you needed help. You talked. Later that evening we talked again. You were special. You still are. We figured you knew we're together since we sleep in the same room, and even when you sight came back and it was confirmed, it didn't seem to bother you. That was until you started to behave a tad bit different. It was subtle. As if you didn't want to loose our friendship but you needed space to think." Bucky started.
"When we took you out for shopping and coffee that day, we both knew we loved you. Leah made it a bit difficult. We saw you tense, we were tense because we didn't know what you were thinking. I wanted to talk but you were so afraid that I didn't push." Steve took over.
"We knew we had to tell you when you woke up again. The fear we both felt because it looked like we would loose you made us determined to tell you. And so here we are." Bucky finishes.

Their confession, it... it startles you. You're flustered. How can this be real? You don't deserve them. How is it that they love you.
"How can this work?" your voice sound small and uncertain. Steve looks at Bucky.
"It'll work. We'll figure that out along the way. We love you, Y/N. We do and we want to be able to love you." Bucky reassures. He carefully takes your free hand.
"We can make everything work. We'll figure out the how along the way. Let us just be us and everything will come." Steve looks you in the eyes.

The waitress is back. "A water for ma'am, and the wine. Would you like to order your food?"
"Yes please. For me an Orecchiette with Mini Chicken Meatballs" Bucky says.
"For me a Bucatini With Marinara and Ricotta. Y/N?"
"Erm, you tried some vegetarian dishes. Surprise me." You tell Steve. He smiles and points at a name on the menu. The waitress smiles and nods.
"Right away." She walks back.

"What did you order me?"
"You'll see." Steve smiles.
"Now that we all agree on us. How about you sleep in our room?" Bucky is direct, that's for sure.
Your face becomes red.
"Sleep, nothing more until you are ready." Bucky says as he thinks his words over.
Steve grins.
"I'd like that. What about Hope?"
"She can sleep on the bed end. Unless she sneaks away to sleep in Wanda and Visions room."
"She does that?"
Steve smiles, "She does. Apparently Wanda and Hope have bonded." A soft smile on your lips.

The rest of the evening is sweet and gentle. They talk, a lot. You enjoyed the pasta Steve choose for you.
You're walking back to the tower in between your two boyfriends. The thought makes you freeze. The super soldiers look at you concerned, but you smile and walk further with them. You could get used to this.

"Are you okay?" Steve asks when you are in the elevator to your corridor.
"I am, just nervous. I've never... I didn't... I was never..." You can't seem to get the words out.
Both guys look at you in understanding. "It's okay. Everything is new. Just tell us when things go to fast or things are too overwhelming."
You nod and look at the floor in embarrassment. "You shouldn't be ashamed of not having had a relationship before. It's okay." Steve makes you look up. You nod at the same time the elevator stops.

The guys lead you to their room, Bucky rummaging in his closet before throwing you a T-shirt of his. "You can wear that one." He winks at you before taking his own pyjamas. Hesitantly you change in the same room. You decide to remove your bra when the shirt is on. Feels more comfortable now. When you turn around Steve is putting on his shirt, sleeping pants already on and Bucky is laying on the bed, watching. You flush red. He smiles and pats the spot next to him.
Getting on the bed, you lay down next to him. It feels different to sleep in the same bed than it was the previous time. It feels more intimate. Steve lays down next to you. Hesitantly he throws his hand around your waist. Giving you the option to back down. You don't and melt in the touch as Steve rest his hand on your stomach. Bucky smiles and puts his hand around your waist too, letting it rest on the small of your back. The three of you connected. It feels safe.
"You're okay?" Steve asks, his breathe tickling your neck, making you shiver.
"Yeah." Bucky smiles and turns off the light.
"Goodnight Stevie, goodnight Buck." You say.
"Night sweetheart. Night Buck." "Sweet dreams Doll, goodnight Stevie." And that is how the three of you fall asleep, close to each other.

The morning isn't awkward like you thought it would be. You wake up by gentle fingers making soft circles on your hip. You open your eyes and look in Bucky's brown ones.
"Good morning." He whispers.
"Good morning." Your morning voice present. Bucky smiles.
"Can I kiss you?" he whispers softly, not coming closer yet. The fingers on your hip stop.
You must be as red as a tomato, but you nod. Bucky smiles and comes closer, slowly. Giving you a chance to back down.
His lips are warm and soft. Gentle. The press of his lips loving but dominant, and you kiss back.. Moving along with his lips. It feels good. Safe even. His metal hand is pressed to your cheek, the other is tangled in your hair. It feels good. You put your arms around his neck, hands entangling in his long brown hair.
Bucky smiles into the kiss at the same time that a pair of lips kiss the back of your neck. You gasp at the sudden feeling. Bucky gives you a bit of space, forehead against yours and your breathes mingling together. "Good morning." Steve's voice is low. "Morning Steve." Bucky says, a smirk on his face. "Good morning." Your voice sounds a bit out of breath. This was so new. So exciting.
"That was a gorgeous sight to wake up to." Steve says. You turn around, Bucky snakes his arms around your waist, head resting on yours. Steve smiles at you. "Can I?" Steve asks as he looks at your lips shortly. You feel Bucky smile. "Yes." You say, nodding not that great of an option with Bucky resting his head on yours. Steve smiles and slowly closes the distance.

The kiss is different. More gentle. Different but equally as good. You kiss him back. Metal fingers trace soft lines on your hips up your side underneath the T-shirt you are wearing. Bucky seem to know not to push it too far because he traces a line back to your hip before tracing circles on it. It's too much, yet not enough. It's overwhelming, but in a good way. Steve gently bites your bottom lip before letting go. Your fingers intertwined. You don't even remember when it happened. Steve leans up and kisses Bucky. The view is amazing and it feels weirdly intimate, yet not uncomfortable.

"You okay? Not too much?" Steve asks when he moves back down.
"I'm more than okay." You whisper back.
The three of you keep laying down, entangled in each other's embrace. You wait for your beating heart to calm down a bit. Eyes closed as you enjoy the closeness of them. Of Steve's hand on your back and forehead against yours. Of Bucky's head on yours, his arm underneath your neck as he holds Steve's hand, his metal arm sprayed out on your stomach. You like this. And this is how you doze off, even after you just woke up from a good night's sleep. 

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