Chapter 41

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A knock on Loki's door.

"Please do come in." Loki says.
"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Steve asks carefully.
"You know how I get with sad stories, especially if the person experiencing it doesn't deserve it." you smile with still watery eyes. 

"Are you okay, Loki? I know how these healings can go. Are you sure you have enough energy?" Bucky asks Loki, voice soft and open. 
"I'm sure. Thank you for asking." 

"Lean against the headboard, try to find a comfortable position to sit or lay in.  It's important to be as comfortable and relaxed as possible."
You hear movement, sheets rustling.
"I'm seated as comfortable as possible. Your soldiers can sit down too, wherever. You don't have to keep standing." 

You grin as you feel the bed dip a bit, both having sat down on the edge of the bed.
Carefully you get up and move closer to the headboard, feeling with your hands to sit down safely without sitting on Loki's hand or arm for example. 

"Loki, if you would be so kind as to put my hands on either side of your head, a bit above your ears." 
You feel how Loki gently takes your hands and places them on their head, as specified by you. To be comfortable yourself, you wiggle a bit closer.

"Are you ready?" 
"What makes you hesitate?" 
"You'll see things, if I remember correctly from what you said."
"I will indeed, but just like with what you told me, everything is safe with me. You are the you now, not the you back then. And if it eases a bit of your unease, I see flashes of things, but my main goal is to undo the mind control, not to look at these memories. If you want to be sure, you could look with me? Look through my eyes, so to speak, to see what I do? I don't think it would complicate the unravelling too much." 
"Would you be okay with that?"
"Sure, if it eases you. I trust you Loki."

There is a bit of silence, Loki trying to make up their mind.
"I'll need to touch your skin. I was thinking you arm, but I don't want to interfere with what you need to do." Loki sounds unsure.
"You can hold my arm, as long as you don't pull my arm away from your head, all is fine. If you need me to break the connection and stop, you'll need to tell me. I could do damage by suddenly disconnecting."
"Okay, I promise I won't do that." You feel Loki's hand landing on your under arm.

"You can connect first, it's easier for me to connect to you then, Lokes." 
A few seconds later you feel Loki's connection to your brain. You don't fight it as you keep every channel open so Loki can see.

"It's very different to be blind, your senses work different now."
"Yeah, that's why I need a day of adjusting from being seeing to being blind, the other way around goes pretty okay, a bit of sensory overload."
"I can imagine."
"Are you ready to start, Loki?" you ask.

You feel Loki nod, so you connect to their brain. It doesn't take long for you to find the main line of mind control. It branches of in different parts.

I'm going to start from the back to the front. Branches first, the main root follows for most parts as there is nothing to hold on to anymore. Not everything is for today. I start small. Tell me when it gets too much.

It's a weird sensation to hear Loki answer inside your? their? brain. 
You take a deep breath before you start unraveling, seeing parts of the story Loki told you, you don't look too long and start with unravelling this literal blue controlling line. It's different from what you had to do for Bucky, so it takes much more energy than you anticipated on, but after a bit, you feel how this blue part disappears forever. You backtrack to a different branch, doing exactly the same as before. You feel Loki watching, fascinated by your ability. 

After 3 more branches you feel another hand on your shoulder, a voice. You can't decipher the words, too far from your own brain to hear them. 

It's Bucky. He's asking you to come back. You're pale and trembling and your nose is starting to bleed. 

Thank you for telling me. You can disconnect once I disconnected from your brain. I don't want things to go wrong.

You feel Loki waiting patiently while you slowly backtrack and disconnect your gift from Loki's brain. Seconds after coming back to yourself, you feel Loki disconnect from you, hand moving from your arm.

"Thank you, Bucky." you whisper, voice a bit gravely. You feel a bit weak.
"How are you feeling, Loki?" you ask, taking over the hold on the tissue that Steve was holding against your nose.
"Tired, but still good. I might need a nap in a few. You on the other hand don't look that great."

"I might need a nap too. But first something sugary to drink. It might take a few days before I am ready to unravel more, Lokes. Apparently I wasn't as ready as I thought I was."

"Take as long as you need. I'm already very grateful for what you did already. I feel the difference, and you only did a few branches."
"I wonder how you'll feel once everything is gone then." you smile and turn to get up. 
Bucky is quick to wrap his arms around your waist to help you stand. 

"Go rest, Y/n, we can talk more later when we both feel better."
"Let Jarvis know if you need something, Loki. I felt better after a nap, but I don't know how different the method is for you as the roots are different. We'll gladly hep you out too." Bucky reassures Loki before he lifts you up and walks to your room. 
He lays you down on the bed and you are quick to shuffle to the middle of the bed and wrap yourself in blankets. 

Steve walks in the room with a glass of soda, you only now register that he wasn't in Loki's room anymore before you left.
"Thank you, dear." You sit up a bit and slowly drink the sugary soda. 
"Would you guys be okay to take a nap with me? Or at least let me cuddle you while I nap?" you ask innocently as you give the glass back to Steve's waiting hand.

Bucky is already moving to lay next to you, Steve following a little later as he had to place the glass somewhere. 
You snuggle close to Bucky, hugging him as you feel him place his head on yours. Steve spoons you from behind, wrapping his arm around both you and Bucky.
"Rest now, sweetheart. You did a lot today. We're proud of you." Steve whispers.
"We are so proud of you." Bucky whispers too, and that are the last words you here before you fall asleep.

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