Chapter 1- The Beginning

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There was no sound but the sensation of the surroundings could be narrowed down to one word, “COLD”. Finally with all his might, River forced opened his eyes but what welcomed his sight was nothing different then him having his eyes closed, darkness. He felt weightless, like the gravity itself was tired of holding him down and had finally decided to lose her grip on him, letting him drift in this endless chilling abyss.
River tried moving his limbs and with every movement, he realised that he was not getting anywhere. It was difficult for him to find a way out because there was no such thing to begin with. There was no light, he had no sense of his whereabouts but those things did not concerned him, for he had finally realized what was going on and that made him give out a frustrated sigh.

‘Not this again! Please! It is always scary, no matter how many times I experience this! You are my brain! My subconscious! Why do you like torturing us in this manner?’, he complained out loud. Yes, he spoke while being submerged in something similar to water. Then his fears came true, in next second dim lights assaulted his visions and when his sight focused, he saw a huge shadow rush towards him.

No matter how many times this has happened to him, River just could not remain calm, instead he flayed his limbs trying to climb up, down, left or right, just anywhere but in this spot. The creature’s shadowy figure took it’s usual shape and it came closer with it's mouth wide open, showcasing long and wide range of sharp pointed teeth.

Just to make things more realistic, bubbles started escaping his mouth when he opened it to yell. The force that kept him in one place, disappeared only when the unnaturally huge beast was few feet away from him. He tried swimming upwards with all his might only to see deep scarlet liquid all around him, it was blood which just kept getting thicker and thicker, enveloping him in it.

Even if he didn’t want to, his eyes looked down on it’s own and his heart jumped, his soul waved him good bye and his vision finally blurred. Never ending rows of sharp pointy teeth came closer and closer. “Ahhhhhhhhh” and “Beep beep beep”, sounds rang together inside a tiny apartment with one room, small living space with a clean and tidy kitchen in the corner also a bathroom somewhere nearby.

His pale and slender left hand were tightly placed over his chest while his right hand reached for his phone and turned off the alarm. River was still breathing heavily and panting while drops of sweat made his face sparkle in his dimly lit room. “Honey, it’s time to get the kids ready for school”, was the first thing he heard when he calmed down a bit, followed by few groans and croaking of bed then a loud yawn.

This was his usual routine and so was for his neighbours', River was their natural alarm. They were so used to it that sometimes when he didn’t scream they would complain to him for not letting them know in advance if he had slept somewhere else and even go on to call him “unreliable”. Of course River was no white lotus, he would snap back at them for being useless parents and threaten to call on child services on them.

He slowly got himself off from the bed and walked to the bathroom. After relieving himself and finishing his morning routine, he walked in front of his closet where his clothes were perfectly folded then he fished out a grey jumper and black compression pants. He got out of his night clothes and got into the jogging outfit then headed out of his apartment.

River was twenty one years old this year, he was an orphan. When he was young, a well to do couple who were in their late thirties adopted him and they were marine life researcher by profession, always traveling through the sea. River had gone with them when he was younger and had realized he had a fear of the sea and anything under the water after seeing all creatures in their natural state but ironically he just started working in a water park in the city.

CROSSING RIVER (B×B×B..) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now