chapter 9- Tension and Friction

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River, we are going to hoist you up and do some test. Please prepare yourself to be picked up and try to stay calm”, came Veronica’s voice. River had no choice but to go with this, he thought 'Even if they won’t make a solution that would change me back permanently because they would have no use for me like that, at least they might come up with temporary solution, making me run their errands for the price'.

He started breathing through his nose and saw the gills seal up and he watched as the machine pop through the gap in the ceiling and he slid into the position for it to grab him then he was lifted up and was taken into the floor above. He turned his head to the side and sure enough the x-ray green and white image he got of that corner before was real.

He was placed into the steel bed but no restraints was applied to him, for which he was thankful. “Alright, we will take your vitals, draw some tissue samples and blood then check your strengths. After that River, we would like you to describe your emotional and mental state in yes and no questions. Are we clear?”, Veronica informed him and she wasn’t asking permission, it was an order.

River gave a nod and the procedure started. After half an hour, they had taken every samples and done all the physical tests. Lights were flashed in his eyes, he was hit in the place were his knees should be to check for reflex, they had taken his saliva, clipped one of his nails and finally when he had reached the limit of staying in land, he was placed inside a tank long enough for him to move around.

“This morning, we monitored your behaviour after you woke up. Were you waving your hands to let us know that you felt presence or heard sound of other experiments?”, Veronica questioned with a camera in front of her as she stayed out of the lens, documenting.

River shook his head ‘No’. She was about to ask another question when he sighed then pointed at the tablet she was holding and motioned her to give it to him. Veronica felt embarrassed after she understood what he was asking the tablet for and in order to save her face, she was about to say it wasn’t water proof but had to bite her words when river swam to the surface and lifted his body out to the edge.

He then went on to sign with his hands for them to fold the tablet in plastic and hand it to him. He also shook his head as if to mock the group of “Brilliant” people to not think of such easy option. After he was given the tablet he first went to google translate then typed, “I will download a program so that I don’t have to rack my brain in trying to remember French just so it could get translated into English and you all understand what I’m saying. So bare with me”.

Every one present in the room cleared their throats but the tip of their ears were red from clear embarrassment. In their heart they consoled themselves saying, “Of course we would have thought of this way but not all creatures here have human conscience or our way of speaking like you! Hmmp!”

After a while a man’s machine like voice spoke, “Alright, we can start. Ok, so I waved my hands because, I saw bubbles coming out of the glass and thought it had been cracked”, he answered the question much easily and in detail.

Veronica even though she felt bitter from being embarrassed once again, let it go and explained, “It’s the ventilation holes in all the glass box chambers. Must have been strong currents making it look like bubbles. Next question, what made you so aggressive, enough to alter your physique and make yourself look fiercer? Then you rushed into the area were Subject H2 was kept. Please explain in details what you felt after seeing subject H2 and how did you make it calm down?”

After the question was asked all eyes eagerly waited on River to type, which took forever with his long wet and webbed fingers with claws for nails. “I just felt vibrations and my body acted on it’s own. You probably saw me sank down, maybe it was a sign of submit for him and he calmed down after realising I wasn’t a threat. You are the researchers of marine creatures, you should know all that stuff. I had no control in my physical changes, they seem to be involuntary movements or reflex. Can you turn down the temperature? It’s hot in here”, the mechanical sounding voice said.

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