THE END | Not a review

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Hello everyone! As you read, this is not a book review. Well, this is a goodbye. From me to this little book of mine where I ranted about books for over a year.

I know, I'd said that there will be reviews but not as frequent as before. Like one per month or something. But hell, it's already March and I have read a total of three books, one of them being the wattpad book I wrote the review of last.

It's just been a month my college started. Everything is happening so fast. I'm just done with mid-sem exams. I submit one assignment, there's a new one waiting the next hour. I'm like — saans to lene do!

So, you see, I'm back to bedtime reading and I fall alseep even before completing a chapter. I really really really want to read like I did in the last whole year, but it's not gonna happen anytime soon.

I don't think I'm going to achieve this year's reading goal which is already lesser than last year's. I don't know when I'll get to read all those wattpad books I wanted to read.

It had been great talking about books.
At one point it became hard to move on to new book without writing the review of previous one. I was really enjoying it because I have no friends to talk about books. How much will I text online friends na?

I didn't know I'll come this far, when I created this thing in middle of a sleepless night. Reviews of 40+ books!? It's hard to believe I actually did that! But it's time to say bye.

Thank you very much to every one of you who read my reviews-cum-rants. Double thanks to those who read some books because of my reviews. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.

Love you guys! Goodbye <3

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