Activated Complex

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Title - Activated Complex
Author - luckyanna
Read on - 2nd Sep, 2020
Heart list - 🧡💚


It's a very short story by Anna. After reading July Apple Pies, I visited her profile. She has written a total of four short stories, I have read two and I can't wait to read the other two.

On a rainy Saturday morning, Leah finds her chemistry lab partner Aiden passed out on the road. In an astronaut suit, drunk with a purple eye and bleeding nose. She takes him to her house and the cute nerd with dimples starts turning out to be more than that. She has never actually known him outside chemistry class, nor has he. It's already very short, I can't spoil it anymore.

I'm in love with Anna's stories. I've read only two but there's something in her short stories which is not in the other long books. The unique concept, nerdy characters, science definitions and everything makes this story so perfect.

That's all for Activated Complex. I'm gonna read Stranded and Reasons to stay now. Not today. One story per day. I can't control though.

Hi everyone! I'm thinking about removing the rating thingy as I never give less than four stars to any book and it's useless as that. But I want you to know which books are my absolute favourites and which are the one I may never look back to. I don't know how I can do that. Drop comments if you have any ideas.

Thanks for reading :)

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