Bad Girl's Boy

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Title - Bad Girl's Boy
Author - Aaku_14
Started - 9th Oct, 2019
Finished - 9th Nov, 2019
Heart list - 💛💙


They said, 'Never judge a book by its cover'. Well, I did just that. Can we have a moment to appreciate how gorgeous this cover is?

It was 12.30 am, I saw this book on Wattpad. Fanfiction. I'm not a MaNan fan (I haven't watched KYY yet), but still I started reading, promising myself I'll sleep after one chapter or two. I wonder how many times I've broken this promise till date. Obviously, I read until my eyes gave up.

It was quite a difficult thing to imagine Niti as a badgirl though. Parth can ace any character, he's such a good actor. It was really cute to imagine him being this Manik. Let's just talk about the story.

So, Manik is a shy, clumsy boy and I could relate to him from the first scene. Actually that's only when it felt relatable, cause Nandini enters the chat and our boy gets some action in his life. Nandini is a badass girl who doesn't believe in love. When fire and ice collides there are sparks and confetti (what am I even writing!? 🥴). She made all the first moves right from asking his number. It was really cute to imagine her saying things that made him turn red in return.

There's a second pair, Mukti and Abhimanyu. Their story is also good. As I said I didn't watch KYY, I don't know, what I should have expected. Then there's Nandini's ex-boyfriend, who came, tried to get back in her life, saw her happy with Manik and left the way he came. Unexpectedly.

There are some scenes about Nandini's parents, which were handled pretty well, but Manik's family remained a mystery. He had some problems with his family. He is a shy, introvert college student who was simultaneously handling his family business far from home. Like what!?

Basically, as the story goes on, Manik and Nandini lose their characteristics of shyness and boldness, respectively. Manik getting bold sometimes was cute. Nandini having a soft side of her was nice. But I think they lost their essence and become just like a nornal couple. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but they weren't the same they were at the beginning and it wasn't the change they acquired because of each other's company. Maybe the writer felt that too, she literally tied all the lose ends in two chapters and ended it.

I couldn't digest the fact that one day, she updated, I excitedly read the chapter and it just abruptly ended. I'd read the books which were incompleted, which were left incomplete forever, which ended with unexpected endings, but this was first time a book ended at unexpected time.

Believe me when I say this, whatever I read in the first two days was a classic, cute college romance and I loved it to the core of my heart. I'm definitely not exaggerating, I gave up my sleep to read it. It didn't stay the same throughout, but it's worth a try. And yes she updated last chapters exactly one month after I started reading it. Funny coincidence lol.

However, I don't regret not sleeping that night. Also, I hear, it's a spinoff of Bad Boy's Girl. I'm hoping it to be more better than this and I'm planning to read it soon.

I wasn't planning on posting it today. I had left it midway, a month ago and I thought, I might need another to finish it, but I started writing and finished it. But yeah, I won't update for a month (telling this more to myself). I don't want to read any new book before I post about all I've read. Hopefully I'll succeed.

Thanks for reading:)

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