A Royal Pain In Texts

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Title - A Royal Pain in Texts
Author - rainyy_writes
First read - 18th to 19th Dec, 2019
Second read - 6th to 12th May, 2020
Heart list - 🧡💛💚


(After first read)
It's been long time I read HDG and TBBTBAM, Someone Like Juliet is not completed yet, does Crystal have anything else? Oh yes, there's A Royal Pain in Texts and it's completed. And the rest is history. I read it within literally 30 hours which includes staying up till 3.30 am and sleeping during practicals in college.

(Before reread)
Since I didn't complete writing this last time, it's time for a reread! I'm gonna meet everyone again after four months. Yay.

(During reread)
OMG, how could I even forget all these things? Chloe being a diehard animal lover and Noah's werewolf and mate crap. Also, thanks for ruining 'happy' for me forever. This reread was a must.

(After reread)
Why did I took a week to read it this time when I practically read it in less than two days last time? Well, because I knew the whole story. I just forgot the details. And boy, I'm thankful I forgot. It was really fun rereading it. It almost felt like reading for the first time. I wish it was possible in case of all the books.

Let's get back at the book. Chloe Scott is dared by her friends to send a message to an unknown number in the middle of the night. That number belongs to none other that the real prince charming, a royal pain in texts and the annoying SOB — Noah.(I just realized we never got to know his last name, right?)

The suspicions of Noah hiding something lead to Chloe and her friends' life entangling with the royal family of some blah blah blah nation (I honestly don't remember the name, so as Chloe calls it). Okay, I'm not revealing anything more.

Chloe is awesome. Noah is annoyingly charming. And they are perfect together. Most of their conversations take place through text messages. I liked texts more than actual conversations.

I had read the book before but their text conversations were lit. Seriously. I almost believed that Noah was a werewolf. And that time when Noah made the fork his mate. God, I'm never gonna forget that. I still laugh all of a sudden whenever I remember that.

Everyone is crazy in this book (a good crazy ofc, except for a few people). Sophia will start a game of truth & dare in middle of the night. Mia will fake a heart attack to save Soph. Caleb will argue over few particles of salt. Liam will use Shawn Mendes to create chaos. Will doesn't know anything from the millennial dictionary.

What should I say about Sophia and Will? I didn't like them much last time but they suddenly have my heart. They deserve a separate book. And yeah, the Will we met first and the Will we see in the bonus chapter are totally different. I loved that change.

I have a doubt from very first moment, no, I know that Caleb and Blake are the same person with different names. Their love for food, cracking stupid jokes in serious situations and jumping in with no PDA signs are enough proofs.

Chloe, Soph, Mia all three ended up with royalties. I wonder why Caleb was left out, but then he'll have to divorce food first which is not happening in million years. So, okay.

This is the funniest/funnest (if that's even a word) of all Crystal's books. Her books are usually a mixture of humor, romance and action. This one has a bit extra humor. I never laughed so much while reading a book.

You can never settle for reading just one chapter when it's Crystal's book. That's how every time I start reading her books and then can't stop. I'm a fan of her books.

Hey everyone! I had planned to post all my pending reviews before last Sunday. But I can't multitask. And the messed up sleep schedule is started taking toll. Anyways, I reread the book so I can write about it better, but procastination led to this. I might make some changes or add some things later in this.

I hope everyone is safe and doing well. Take care.

Thanks for reading :)

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