On Mumbai Street

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Title - On Mumbai Street
Author - anamika__
Started - 1st July, 2020
Finished - 4th July, 2020
Heart list - 🧡💛💚


(Before reading)
After some trashy recommendation notifications Wattpad has finally suggested something of my interest. While reading the description, my smile grew wider with every sentence I read. This is exactly what I wanted. Can't wait to start reading. I have higher expectations from this than any other wattpad story.

(While reading)
I was feeling sleepy at 11.30 am but I had to post something on Instagram and that was not uploading. So I had to stay up until that happened. Meanwhile I started reading and ended up reading eight chapters. I'm not going to sleep early, no matter what.

It was so relatable until Arnav's entry. After that only Trisha getting scolded by her mother on every other thing was the only thing I could relate to. My junior college life didn't start like that. No one is to be blamed. I need to know the difference between fiction and reality.

Had to stop reading at 2 am but I saw that next chapter is in Arnav's POV. I'm so excited to read that.

So Yash has entered. The circumstances which led to Trisha and his first interaction felt familiar. Yeah, something like that happened with me too. Fiction is afterall exaggerated reality. I must admit, fiction is lots better though.

(After reading)
Well, On Mumbai Street is first Indian teenfic I read and I'm so happy to say that it's just amazing. I loved it so much. I hope I'll be able to put it in words well.

I'd been looking for an indian teenfic or something close to teenfic for months. I found nothing. I searched on wattpad and found every kind of cliche story. If I had ignored that notification, I guess, I would have never known that there are good Indian teenfics on wattpad.

Where do I start? Let me confess, that I haven't socialized with anyone of my age for almost four months (my cousin doesn't count). I met my friends last on the day we finished our board exams in March. We didn't even get to say a proper goodbye and then the lockdown happened.

Reading this book got back all those memories of last two years I spent with them. They're the people who made the junior college years memorable for me. It just made me so nostalgic. I read our old chats today and realized how much I miss them.

Do you ever feel like all the things happening in the book are happening with you? Like you need to tell yourself that it all is happening in the book and not with you? I get that feeling often while reading Prithvi but at some points, OMS made me feel that too. This is the book every teenager can relate to somewhere.

Oh, I didn't tell what book is about yet. Well, it's about how the normal life of Trisha Shetty gets turned into something close to a Bollywood movie. I'd call it just another teenfic out of the dozens I've read, but it's not. It's special, cause it's Indian.

Trisha's got a normal indian family with her parents and an annoying elder brother. She has six best friends who mean a whole world to her. She's... wild? Doesn't care about how she looks, plays cupid for her friends, can't eat icecream without getting it all over herself, so clumsy, funny, smart and awesome.

Everything is like every other teeanage girl's life in India, until Arnav Malhotra from Delhi enters her life. He's everything a teenage girl dreams of. He's handsome, hot, cute, annoying guy with dimples and messy hair.

They meet twice by coincidence, we can say. But if something happens twice, it'll definitely happen a third time. They meet again. This time, through Trisha's best friend and she can't stop her friends from making him a part of their group.

Just when Arnav and Trisha are getting closer, someone lands straight from London. Yash Shah, the brown haired guy with blue eyes becomes biology partner of Trisha.

Yash is basically the third angle of this love triangle which didn't last long. Trisha became a good friend of him or as he said, only genuine friend of him. He's got a badboy side. He misses his home, London and does things he shouldn't.

Despite all the warnings Trisha got from her friends, she still defended him and he just had to ruin it. I was hoping that he wouldn't get a shade of gray in his character, but no luck.

His disappearance in some chapters made me worried if he will get a good closure. But that scene in locker room has my heart. I wish, there was some part in the story in his perspective.

Arnav and Trisha... I don't know what to say about them. You know, when you see people your age showing off their relationship everywhere, you just know that it's not gonna last long. But then there's one couple you wish will stay together always and get married and all. Like they just look so cute and perfect together. Arnav and Trisha are that couple.

There are so many characters, it's difficult to write about each. But Soham and Tanya are my favourite and Rohit too. Tanya seems like a mixture of my all four friends. And Rohit is the arrogant, careless, caring, protective brother I never had.

Their college took them to Goa for a project tour. Wanna hear about my college trips? In 11th, my college planned a trip to Imagica, which got cancelled three times and finally never happened. In 12th, they didn't even inform us about any trip if it ever happened.

I don't remember finding anymore Mumbai in it than a Vadapav mention. It easily could have been any other city. There are hundreds of things which make Mumbai Mumbai. But that's okay.

I would say Trisha has a good sense of humour, but there are chapters in perspective of other characters too. And after reading those, all I want to say is, Anamika (the author) has a fantastic sense of humour. I mean, if all the characters' minds are hilarious, then obviously the credits goes to the author.

On Mumbai Street is almost perfect as an Indian teenfic. I can't find the right words to describe. I can't write anymore deep than I already have. If you get what I want to say, great. If you don't, read the book. You might feel the same.

This is not just a book. I kind of lived my junior college years again. This book not just tells a story of two teenagers falling in love. It shows deepest of their feelings. Whenever they were hurt, I felt it.

This is probably the longest review I've written. Maybe I exaggerated some things. I couldn't find exact words to describe some things. There are so many things I couldn't relate to in this, but it's the book I could relate to the most among all I've read.

Anamika is an absolutely amazing author. I don't know where this book was hidden all this time. Thank you for writing this as an indian teenfic instead of western. I hope From Pune Sectors will be completed soon and I won't have to wait long.

P.S. The book is now published. Contact Anamika for details.

Hey everyone! Can't believe we're already halfway through July. I mean, 2020 started just last week. Lol. I'll officially be an adult in like 41 days. And I don't know what to feel about it. My 12th result was announced two days ago. Me and my cousin got same percentage, so I'm really happy about it.

Well, I hope you're enjoying my reviews-cum-rants.

Take care. Stay safe.

Thanks for reading :)

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