The Comeback

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Title - The Comeback
Author - daaprincess
Read on - 4th June, 2020
Heart list - 💚💙


6 hours. I finished reading this book within 6 hours. The quickest. Well, it's also the shortest book I've ever read.

We were hit by a cyclone on 3rd and there was and still is powercut and no network. I'd read a book a day before and I didn't like it. I had other books but didn't want to read them. I was craving to read something. Somehow got the internet and got two new books on my wattpad. Read this one first cause it was shorter and boy, there couldn't have been a better choice.

Oh god, explaining its storyline and not dropping spoilers is really difficult. Let's try. Mary Grace was bullied and bodyshamed in her school for being chubby. Her best friend Teddy was always the one to have her back. Things got messy the day she was moving away. Teddy chose to slam door on her face to hang out with the it crowd instead of her. He said the things she never expected him to, which led her to broke down.

I'm guessing they were 10 year olds when that happened. You can imagine how that can affect a kid's mind. She changed. She became a different person. Someone who never shows an ounce of emotion even in front of her family. In New Jersey, she has friends who truly care for her and a perfect highschool life, she thinks she has just because of losing weight. Not the truth.

Now she has to go back to Georgia, the place which caused her to change. After 7 years, she doesn't expect anyone to be same and recognise the new her. With the fear of being treated the same as before, she introduces herself as Mary (instead of Mary Grace) to her new old friends.

Oh, that's enough, I guess. I mean, it's really short. You should read yourself to know what happens next.

I don't know what to say about Mary. I think she shouldn't have changed herself because someone else commented something mean on way she looked. That someone happened to be her best friend. Well, okay.

She's someone who'll show up with snacks on the door of the girl who has been a bitch to her to know what's wrong with her.

Teddy/Ryan was really a gentleman. All the things he said and did were really cute. I don't have much to say about him. I'd love to read those letters though. He is a Teddy indeed. (Who names their kid Teddy btw?)

The thing about Caleb was really complicated. When he visited Mary, I was like— look carefully girl, you might notice smoke somewhere. Lol. After that party, I was really confused whose side we were supposed to be on.

I'm really sick of reading about weddings in the epilogues. Like they were silly teenagers falling in love. I scrolled up and suddenly they're all grown up, walking down the aisle to get married. It makes me feel like I aged years while sitting in the same place.

And this epilogue particularly, doesn't exist for me. All the couples made in highschool getting married, a bit unrealistic. Seeing the leads getting their happily ever after is a good thing, I agree. But then I remember the difference fiction and reality has and feel like all these books I read are preparing me for a disappointment. Ugh. I sound really pessimistic sometimes.

Well, it's short length is one of the reasons I read it in the first place, so I can't complain about it ending so soon. I wouldn't have liked if it was dragged unnecessary to make it longer either. Although there are many spelling mistakes/typing mistakes which need to be fixed, I love the book.

Considering how short it is, I didn't expect to enjoy it this much. I feel like reading it again tomorrow. I'm afraid to do that just yet. I might have to rerwrite everything I've written so far. Well, I wasn't expecting to write so much either.

Hi everyone!

On 3rd, I wake up to a cyclone. No one was expecting weather forecast to be right. It was one hell of a horror show. Really destructive. There's no electricity for more than a week now. Worst of all, don't have a good internet connection. Haha jk. It's hard to live without internet but not impossible.

I hope everyone's doing well. Take care.

Thanks for reading :)

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