You're So Annoying

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Title - You're So Annoying
Author - _xXUnicornSlayerXx_
Started - 6th Aug, 2020
Finished - 8th Aug, 2020
Heart list - 💜🤎


This is the craziest book I've ever read. All the warnings you'll get to read from the description to first chapter, all are very true. This is hilarious, this is cheesy, this is annoying.

What? Had I said something like I won't be reading for a while or no more teenfics? Well, I did not read for a whole week. But this one was last, I swear. Someone reccomended it, by specially sending a message, for the first time. It felt rude to not read.

Frost Matthews is so annoying. Like really very A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G. She can be funny, crazy and annoying anytime. She's a drama queen. She thinks the most stupidest thing possible. The number of times she acted like she was going to die or someone will kill her may be more than the number of times Nova kissed her (couldn't think of anything else lol). She's one of those carefree, always-happy girls I've never met.

Nova, the popular footballer of the school has to tutor Frost. He lives next door to her and even their windows are side by side. His grumpy and... that's all he is until he starts falling for Frost and softens.

This is not the best book I've read. This is not even close to my other favourites. I can't understand why I loved it so much. To be honest, it's so childish and stupid. But whatever, I enjoyed it. Last three days were spent with a light head with this book.

The author's notes make me wonder if her and Frost are the same person. I mean, yeah, everything is written by the same person but I can't find any difference. I may be reading more books by her if I feel like getting back to teenfics.

Oh yes, how can I forget this? This book is full of movies, shows, books & song references. Especially Spongebob references.

I really don't have much to say about the book. So let me stop before I start rambling about stupid things. This is not a cliche badboy book (I think now I'm at a stage where I'll like anything which is not that). People lacking pagalpanti (craziness) in their life should read this. All the best to get past the annoying Frost and reach the end of the book.

Hi everyone! I still don't know what I'm going to do with college. I'm more confused than I ever was. I'm just a little less stressed, that's all.

I'm trying to not read any new book. In last some months, I've read too much for my own good. I'm gonna ignore my reading list, especially teenfics for a while. Let's see how it goes.

Anyways, hope you're doing well. Take care.

Thanks for reading :)

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