Mr. Popular and I

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Title - Mr. Popular And I
Author - thefreakoffreaks
Started - 28th July, 2020
Finished - 30th July, 2020
Heart list - 💜🤎


(Before reading)
Same old badboy-goodgirl teenage romance. Why am I getting myself into this when I'm done with these kinda books? Well, honestly I don't know. It's been in my library for a long time. I know it's gonna be cliche, but the fact that I'll be an adult next month gives me major FOMO when it comes to teenfics. College admissions are making me anxious and I want some distraction (when actually I need to focus and sort everything out). Ugh.

(While reading)
Now that I think about it this whole badboy-teenfics-obsession is something freaking 2020 did to me. I wasn't reading much wattpad content in 2019 and the amount of reading I did was pretty average. I'd barely read 30 books last year and it's already more than 40 in just seven months. I would like to blame this on my college, tuitions and the board as these books turned out to be a major distraction from all the stress.

Bollywood already had done enough damage. But then I started reading these stupid teenfics. I was never fond of living in reality and since I started reading books, I'm far from it. These books have put some major fictional things in my head I'm more afraid to face the reality. I need to stop reading. Seriously.

It's toooooo long man. I've read 33 chapters in last 24 hours and it's barely half of it.

(After reading)
Firstly, if the author is reading this, I'm sorry. I chose the wrong time to read this book. It was unfair to the book to read it when I didn't really want to. Maybe you already figured it out but this is going to be more of a rant than review.

Lea's house turns into a pile of bricks due to termites attack and she and her family overnight become homeless. A friend of her father offers them to stay at his house (more like a mantion) who happens to be the father of the popular River Parkar.

I don't want to describe their characters. It's same old cliche. She's a nerdy, clumsy girl. He's a badboy with all the glorious looks. The exception here is that he has a girlfriend.

If I remember it correctly, it was the cover which caught my eye. And then how many times have I read or watched the male and female leads living in the same place? Not much. So that's how it landed in my library.

To be honest, I wasn't really into the book as I'm with other books. I just wanted to finish it in a day or two. The third day kinda annoyed me and I skipped paragraphs and just finished it. It would have took around five days if I had read it some other time. And I definitely would have liked it more if I'd read it four months back or whenever I first saw it. I guess I'm tired of reading same things again and again.

It was really cliche in first few chapters. Like Lea being attracted to River and him cheating on his girlfriend for her and all. And the complications of relations, my god. River and Emily and their respective parents and then the triangle among Emily, Nick and Ky. My mind was blown when I read it all. I've known only two pairs of twins in my entire life but in books it's as normal as... I can't think of anything, but you get the point, right?

It got so intense and full of drama in second half. If someone who read first few chapters mistakenly opens one of the last, it will be difficult to believe it's the same book. It was not what I'd expected it to be but I'm sure, I would have enjoyed it more only if I had read it on right time. Six years is a long time taken to write a book. The author has definitely improved a lot if we compare the first and last chapter.

I'd randomly opened some chapters and on the length of them I assumed it was short. But I was fooled. It turned out to be so long. Or I felt like that in the rush to finish it. I was up till 4 am the night I started reading. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the book. It was on my mind from the moment I wake up next afternoon until I started reading again. I did overreading again and I hate myself for that.

Although I shouldn't have read it now, I might not have read it in future. With everything happening with the college admissions I don't feel like reading. Shouldn't have forced myself to do that. Reading books is not the same as it was last year. I can't point out exactly how it changed but... I read lesser last year, but I was not pushing myself to do that like I did this time. Maybe reading was not the best solution or I chose the wrong book. Whatever. I'm going to take a break from reading books. Or at least teenfics. Maybe I'll never come back to them. I don't know. I don't know anything.

Okay, I don't think I have anything more to say. The book was good. The four months older version of me would have loved it. Maybe I'll read it again sometime with clear mind.

Hi everyone! Don't have anything much to say. I'm trying to figure out what to do with college. It's a mess.

We'll meet next time I read a book. Till then, take care. Stay safe.

Thanks for reading :)

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