Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me

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Title - Fool me twice, Shame on me
Author - LonimiMeseko
Started - 19th March, 2020
Finished - 23rd March, 2020
Heart list - 💛💙


How messed up can a teenage girl's life be? Well, this one is follows the list, 13 Reasons Why being #1 for me. The reasons for not giving the first spot are that this has somewhat a happy ending and it didn't felt depressing like 13 reasons (it was terrible. Never gonna watch the show).

Emery Roy was humiliated in front of whole school by Dean Darnell two years back. To get over it she transferred to another school but life got her back at Roosevelt high. She has to come back and deal with the people (or a specific person) she's been trying to avoid.

Whenever Emery and Dean come face to face it almost feels like a battleground. Although both have expertised insulting each other, the attraction is impossible to ignore.

I hated Dean for almost 85 percent of the book, because we are supposed to. But then he would behave totally out of character and it becomes impossible to hate him. I was adamant that Emery should never go back to him, but people change and you've got to give them a chance to prove that. He proved it. That proposal has my heart.

Let me be honest here, I spent more time shipping Emery with Noel than Dean. He was always being so good with her, I really wanted Em to end up with him. Their scenes were not much but they had a chemistry. Whatever he did in the past came back to him, he hid some things and my ship sunk, forever. He didn't even get a proper ending.

Anthony and Evangeline are the role models of good friends. Like really. Emery's so-called childhood besties ditched her but these two were with her all the time. The way they stood by her side was amazing. I expected Eva and Noel to be together after his and Em's break up but we never get to that part.

Aaliyah and Natalie are Emery's best friends. I really liked them as long as they were her friends. Aaliyah's blind love for Luke and Natalie following her tail didn't end well. Luke is a true saddist. He didn't do a thing right in the whole book. I really felt bad for whatever Anthony did with Nat. That wasn't right, but they needed to resolve their issues. But obviously that doesn't happen.

It has it all. Complicated relationships, best friends forever, break ups, mean girls, bffs turning into bitches, bromance, jealousy, romance, drama and all the things I can't remember right now.

Things get so complicated at one point I was expecting Emery to quit and just get done with the school and leave everything behind. But she's such a strong girl, she didn't give up. She fought hard and got everything sorted (almost).

The book description clearly says to not expect cheesy romance, but it's all you get in last some chapters. It was good to read something that's not romance for most of the part, but then it got so cheesy it clearly showed contrast with earlier chapters.

Everything seemed to be wrapped up in hurry. As I said before, Anthony, Nat, Eva, Noel, they all deserved a better and proper ending. Em's father getting angry about her being with Dean was absolutely right, but there had to be a scene of them making up. I understand it's difficult to write the same story for so long. But I couldn't believe it was over and there isn't any epilogue or bonus chapters.

I did not have my glasses when I read this. Even chapters were long. Completing it in four days created a headache which lasted for another four days, but I think it was worth it. Emery went through so much, I could handle at least that.

Hello everyone! It's been more than a month I read it. I should've written this immediately after finishing reading the book. Procrastination made me forget everything I wanted to say. Noting those silly reactions helped me.

Stay safe and take care.

Thanks for reading :)

Edit: The book now has bonus chapters with the closure all the characters deserved.

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