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477 A Great Move!

'Is that guy crazy? The worst thing that could happen if he competes with Boss in ranged combat is that he could get hit and lose all his points. The only thing that could be even worse than that is probably the shots being too strong, accidentally destroying his mecha, but that wouldn't bring harm to himself as long as he operates well. When it come to close combat, though...'

Qi Long's body shook violently as he thought back to that time when he was beaten to a pulp. He firmly suppressed that thought, holding it back—he really didn't want to bring up that memory again.

Qi Long's words made Han Jijyun's hands shake, so much so that he couldn't hold the sunflower seed in his hand and let it fall. At that moment, Han Jijyun's teeth began to ache. Seriously, he really didn't want to recall the experiences of doing close combat with Boss Lan, alright?

Looking around him, he saw that everyone else had terrified expressions. It seemed that because of Qi Long's statement, they had all gone back to those horrific times. Luo Lang's reaction was the most exaggerated, holding himself with his arms and shaking violently, his handsome face turned completely pale.

Aside from Qi Long, Luo Lang had taken the hardest beating by Boss Lan because the latter wasn't too fond of Luo Lang's delicate and beautiful appearance, always wanting him to become stronger. It was a shame that after so many years, Luo Lang had ended up becoming more delicate and beautiful each time he was beaten by Boss Lan—completely unlike Qi Long who looked like he was evolving into a wild beast. This had made Boss Lan disheartened and helpless, always thinking that she wasn't beating him hard enough, and so she would then proceed to beat him even harder.

"Do you guys think we should give a heads up to the medical team to let them be ready at a moment's notice?" Li Shiyu said weakly. After experiencing close combat with Ling Lan, Li Shiyu had immediately initiated research for a psychological and emotional medicine to prevent his team members from accidentally being beaten to insanity by Boss Lan.

"Probably won't need it, right? Boss Lan knows when to stop," Chang Xinyuan, who had joined the gang later and still had high hopes for Ling Lan, said with uncertainty.

Knew when to stop? Was their boss capable of this? Qi Long and the others looked at the sky, baffled. It was probably better if they directly contacted the medical team rather than hoping their Boss would limit himself.

In the arena, Ling Lan and Ye Feiyang were flying rapidly, one after the other. Ling Lan's mecha's speed had already reached the limit of special-class operators, but unfortunately she still couldn't throw her opponent off her tail. This meant Ye Feiyang's control of his mecha was similarly remarkable, as expected from the second strongest individual from the First Co-ed Military Academy.

Of course, if Ling Lan really did want to lose him, she could do it. It was just that if she did that, she would have exposed her real operating potential. Ling Lan didn't forget that the imperial operators hidden above them, along with the the referee team monitoring the match, were all top-class operators. She didn't have the confidence that she would be able to conceal anything in front of them.

"Man, so troublesome!" Ling Lan thought, frustrated. She had originally wanted to use this chance in the team battles to practice her long-range operating skills. Unfortunately, this guy, Ye Feiyang, clearly wanted to fight a close-up battle with her until the very end.

She favored close combat more, but it was just as she said: it was annoying! She was so familiar with close combat that she was afraid that she might go berserk, performing top-level techniques that she shouldn't perform and exposing her actual level of control—too many people had found out about it already. In the beginning when she was battling with Qiao Ting, she hadn't managed to keep her secret from the principal, and her mentor, Tang Yu. She really needed to be extra careful as she couldn't let anymore people find out.

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