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526 Defeated!
Ling Lan subconsciously tapped the armrest of her sofa with her fingers on her right hand, her expression slightly tense. "I hope this punk won't ruin my plans."

Inside the arena, although Wang Ke wanted to take advantage of Qi Long's lack of energy to defeat him, the latter was used when he was being beaten up by Ling Lan. He was always whipped until he was at the brink of collapse. The type of attacks that Wang Ke had come at him with didn't pressure him too much. In addition to Qi Long's fighting experience, he was also more experienced in other ways as well; he had become adjusted to his opponent's attacks before long.

However, Wang Ke was still one of Doha Central Scout Academy's top cadets. His mentality was amazingly in check. Even though he had held the upper hand the entire time and was only a step away from defeating Qi Long, he was still able to remain calm and collected, holding down his impatience in order to achieve victory, and this made those who were in the observation room all nod in approval. They all believed that this person was a talent that could be used and was a candidate for nurturing to become a captain in Lingtian.

"What do you guys think of this Wang Ke's performance?" Ling Lan suddenly asked those around her.

Luo Lang was the first to respond. "Not bad. His fighting style is calm, and neither impulsive nor impatient. He thinks before he acts."

Luo Lang's words made the others all nodded in agreement. Xie Yi added, "Although Qi Long's condition isn't very good, the level of his physical skills is still higher than Wang Ke's by at least one level. Wang Ke isn't afraid. His mentality is very good."

Hearing Luo Lang and Xie Yi's answers, Ling Lan gave Han Jijyun a look that said she didn't want to express her own opinions.

Han Jijyun felt the glare coming from his boss and knew he needed to answer; thus, he answered seriously, "My level of physical skills is weaker than everyone. The things that I can see through, everyone else will definitely be able to see through. I just think that if Wang Ke really wants to win, this type of slightly defensive way of fighting may have not be very effective."

His words made Luo Lang and Xie Yi's show a hint of a smile on their lips. Although they approved of Wang Ke's performance, they still didn't believe that Wang Ke could defeat Qi Long. Han Jijyun words were actually what they wanted to say as well.

At that moment, Han Jijyun had set his eyes up on the screen and looked at the two fighting in the arena. He continued, "Qi Long isn't someone that would lose in a drawn-out fight." Trust gleamed in his eyes; he believed that his comrade would not be defeated that easily.

Lin Zhong-qing also agreed and said, "I'm in agreement with Jijyun's analysis. Qi Long's physical constitution is the most monstrous out of what I've seen before. Normally you would think that he would be done in the next second, but as long as the pressure doesn't go past his limit, no matter how you attack him, he won't be defeated." Lin Zhong-qing looked at Ling Lan with respect and continued, "Only Boss' terrifying attack power can instantly smash through the limit that Qi Long can take. I still haven't met a second person that can actually defeat him in terms of physical skills. At most, it will be both sides taking lots of damage like during the freshman arena fight they had when they joined the academy. Qi Long's ability to take pressure is seriously too strong and monstrous."

The answers given by the four of them caused Ling Lan to show a hint of approval in her eyes. She was very happy that everyone had managed to see through these facts. Being calm and collected wasn't a bad thing, but it depended on the situation. There was no problem in Wang Ke fighting in a calm and collected way, but it was that he had missed a crucial point; Qi Long was someone that, if not given enough pressure, would not lose in a dragged-out fight. It was simply impossible. When going against Qi Long, the opponent had to use powerful, continuous attacks to exhaust his energy, rendering him unable to recover, and only then could they be able to defeat him.

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