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494 Fallen into a Trap!

Inside the forest of Area S, a 12-man mecha team was carefully moving through the forest in order to make sure they were not caught out, while simultaneously investigating the surrounding area.

"Stop, hide!" The front line member suddenly gave a signal. Everyone rapidly operated their mecha and darted into the rock formations within the forest that could hide the mechas.

A few seconds later they sighted two smoke-emitting, wrecked advanced mechas. They were flying through the air unsteadily; it was likely that they had reached their limit. These two mecha were falling towards them.

Although the operators of those two mecha were trying their best to make an emergency landing, the damage to their mecha was likely too severe and thus they unable to control the direction; they were unable to avoid breaking a few branches from the towering trees of the forest as they landed. They took a hard fall into the thick snow mounds and slid out many meters away.

One of the mechas abruptly smashed into one of the towering trees and stopped sliding, while the other had lost control even more and was spinning around in the snow before it was stopped by the large and thick snow mounds.

The two mecha that fell lay in the snow silently. Smoke rose out from the mecha and shot towards the sky.

The captain of the battle team hesitated a bit and then decided to help them. In a battlefield, even if it was the enemy, it would be morally justified for them to help them. Especially now, the opposition wasn't really an enemy.

He carefully operated his mecha to walk towards them, slowly moving closer to the mecha nearest to him that was stopped by the tree.

When he had approached to around 10 meters away from the mecha, its external communication channel was switched on. A morbid coughing sound came out from the mecha.

The captain was worried and quickly asked, "Do you need any help?"

The operator inside was finally able to stop coughing and gave a word of warning instead of requesting aid, "Run. They're coming." At the end of those words, there was another bout of loud coughing…

The captain heard this and was surprised. Was it that group of assassins? He quickly asked, "Who are they?"

"The First Men's Military Academy!" the voice of the mecha operator inside the advanced mecha angrily screamed out.

"It's them!" This answer did not surprise the captain. He had communicated with the other military academies and deduced that the assassins were either from the First Co-ed Military Academy, First Men's Military Academy or Third Men's Military Academy. The First Men's Military Academy was the most suspicious, but they didn't have any hard evidence. Everyone couldn't make a decision to attack the First Men's Military Academy together.

"How are you right now? Can you still provide support? If you can, then I'll take you back to our headquarters. As long as you can prove the attackers are from the First Men's Military Academy, we will help you take revenge," asked the captain with care while telling the person his thoughts at the same time.

"No problem, I can still support!" the advanced mecha operator quickly replied. "I won't let them go that easily. Only Little Wu and I are left from our battle team… Ah, is Little Wu alright?"

The captain quickly said, "Wait here, I'll send someone to check."

"Hurry. When we were running away, the people from the First Men's Military Academy were right behind us. It'll be bad for us if they catch up," the advanced mecha operator said hurriedly. He wanted to leave right this instant.

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