a tall, dark-haired slytherin boy

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Ilvermorny was a great school but my pure-blood aunt chose to send me to Hogwarts for my 6th year. Since my Ilvermorny house was always Pukwudgie, Dumbledore suggested that I join the Hufflepuff house but not without checking in with the Sorting Hat first. After officially being sorted into the Hufflepuff house unsurprisingly, I started walking down the corridors to my common room.

I bumped into a tall, dark-haired, extremely handsome slytherin boy who stared at me vacuously then muttered, "Excuse me," under his breath with a British accent.

He straightened up, walking past me. I ignored the awkward interaction and continued on to the common room.

It was towards the kitchens, in the basement of the castle and to enter I didn't need to give a password. But I needed to tap one of the barrels near the room in the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff. I was immediately greeted by empty faces all staring back at me. But once they all turned around, I looked around and felt a warm, fuzzy feeling.


I clutched my luggage in my left arm and my wand in my right hand and went on to the girls' dormitories

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I clutched my luggage in my left arm and my wand in my right hand and went on to the girls' dormitories. I found an empty bed and placed my luggage near it and my coat on top of it. A light-hearted looking witch skipped inside, dropping herself on the unmade bed next to mine. She picked up a book, one of the required books for 6th years- A Guide To Advanced Transfiguration by Emeric Switch and began skimming over it, still laying down.

She sighed after just a few seconds and slammed the book face down, "Transfiguration is so-"

She then noticed me sitting on my bed, watching her.

"Oh, hello!" she frantically jumped up, holding out her hand to me, "I'm Isla, you must be new to Hogwarts. Where did you transfer from? What's your name?"

I took her hand and shook it, "I'm Amiri. I just transferred from Ilvermorny."

"Oh," Isla said, "Hey, what's your schedule?"

I reached into my luggage and pulled out a parchment with my schedule written on it. The next day, which was Monday, I had Transfiguration and Potions.

She leaned over me and stared down at the parchment, "Cool! We have potions, astronomy, and herbology together!"

"Do we get to eat soon?" I inquired, "I'm starving."

"Me too," Isla said, "They're having lunch at the Great Hall. We'll be late! Let's hurry!"

We both ran to the Great Hall as fast as we could and watched Dumbledore finish his speech.

"... And with that, I hope each and every one of you knows your worth. To an amazing year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

Everyone raised their glasses of pumpkin juice or butterbeer or water and said in unison, "To Hogwarts."

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now