this can't be the end

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*you may or may not need tissues*

I tried staying away from both Tom's followers and the Aurors. They were fighting and I didn't want to get hurt. Tom and Mattheo dueled until Tom pushed Mattheo on the ground, pointing his wand at him.

"You'll never get away with this!" Mattheo exclaimed.

"Oh, but I already have," Tom held his wand back, "Stupefy!"

As Mattheo became stunned, I couldn't help but start to cry and run out of the room, past all of the dead Aurors. Something about Tom frightened me that night.

"Amiri!" Tom shouted after me, running towards me.

I tried to keep running from him but he grabbed my hand.

I looked into his eyes with tears streaming down mine, "Who are you?"


"Who are you? Who was the person I was in love with a few months ago?" I sniffled, "Because I can't find him. You promised, Tom. You promised."

I wriggled myself out of his grip and ran out of the mansion taking Isla with me and going to a hotel to stay for the night.


Once I got to the hotel, I cried my eyes out while drinking wine and eating the pizza Isla and I both ordered from the hotel. I had just gone out of the shower when I walked out of the bathroom and bumped straight into Tom.

I looked up, fixed my towel, and pushed my way past him.

"Don't push me away like that!" he yelled.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him, finishing my glass of wine and brushing my wet hair.

"Amiri!" he approached me, looking into my eyes desperately.

"Where the hell is Isla?" I asked.

He just looked at me softly and put his hand around my face.

"I love you." he said softly, pulling my face to his.

I gave in, feeling his lips on mine once again. As the kiss became intense, I wrapped my arms around his neck and tongued him down. He pushed me on the bed and got on top of me.

"They're going to find you." I panted, playing with his hair.

"Let's make a bet." he smirked, kissing me harshly again.

Then we both heard the door open and turned to see Isla walk in.

"Um– I'll just let you two get it on then." Isla said, winking at me and leaving, hanging the do not disturb sign on the door handle.

I giggled and looked back at Tom, who was panting and staring at me. I kissed him again and grabbed onto his black T-shirt. He threw his coat across the room and pulled off his shirt.

"You have no idea about how much I missed this." he whispered, smirking again and kissing my neck.

I ran my hands through his dark hair, feeling his lips touch the skin on my neck. He was truly the only one I craved.

*SMUT* (skip to asterisks if smut makes you uncomfortable)

I pulled down his pants and rubbed his member, going on to pull down his underwear.

"Fuck me already." he whispered.

My heart skipped a beat and he gently opened my towel, revealing my naked body. He grabbed my waist, thrusting himself in me, leaving me breathless and moaning his name.

"You're so good." I moaned, grabbing onto his back for support.

He pushed himself in harder, persisting on kissing my neck and giving me a hickey.

We lasted for three whole hours, until we got really tired and just stayed in bed and stared into each other's eyes. I tried not to think about what happened at the ball. I tried to just keep my focus on the boy I loved.


In the morning, he was already getting ready, putting on what he was wearing the night before.

He smiled when he noticed me waking up and came over to me, kissing my forehead.

"Where are you going?" I asked him, caressing his cheek.

"I have to leave, baby," he whispered, kissing me again, "Before my own brother kills me."

I pulled him closer to me, "Don't leave me again."

He looked deeply into my eyes, "I have to."

He grabbed both of my hands, "I'll send you an owl. You should get back to school– you have to take N.E.W.T.'s this year."

He began to leave but I ran to him, grabbed his face, and kissed him hardly.

"Don't forget me." I pulled away.

"I would never." he smiled, letting my hand go and walking out of the hotel room. I heard a loud crack and knew he had apparated to somewhere else. Somewhere far away from me.


Two months later, I was studying in my common room. I hadn't seen or heard of Tom at all. All I knew was that he was still being hunted down. I was about to get in bed when I saw a curly-haired silhouette standing in the doorway, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe.

Once he came closer to me, I realized it was Mattheo. I hadn't seen him in a while.

"It's been a while, Amiri," he said, "Didn't you miss me?"

I pointed my wand at him, "What do you want?"

He came up to me, intimidatingly, taking my wand out of my hand, "If you tell me where Tom is– I'll spare your life."

"I'll never tell you. Even if I knew," I said, "And you'll never find him."

"Oh– I will," he said, "And you're going to watch him die. I'm going to poison him."


The next thing I remembered was waking up, tied to a chair with a piece of tape on my mouth. I tried screaming but it was no use.

I heard talking and yelling in the room next to me and just then Tom stumbled in my room, clutching his stomach as if he was having a stomachache.

I screamed his name but he couldn't hear me. He was on his knees, crawling towards me. Mattheo had poisoned him like he said he would.

Struggling, he pulled off the tape on my mouth and fell to the ground. With barely any strength left in him, he pulled out his wand and muttered an incantation to untie the ropes around me. Mattheo just watched him suffer.

I fell to the floor next to him. His mouth was bleeding and he stared into my eyes. His skin began turning pale and lifeless.

I grabbed his face, "This can't be the end."

He grabbed my face, "I– I love you."

I clinged onto his coat, crying, "Stop! You're not going to die– I promise. You'll be okay."

But his hand fell from my face to the ground and he died. Right in front of me. I couldn't believe what had just happened. The only guy I had a purpose for was dead.

"YOU'RE A MONSTER!" I screamed at Mattheo.

"He gets what he deserves, Amiri." Mattheo continued, walking away out of the room.

My tears fell onto his beautiful face. I cried until I couldn't live for any longer. And I reached into Tom's pocket, finding more poison and drank the entire vial of it.

the end.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now