come to the yule ball with me

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^ trailer #3

Isla pulled back the straps on my corset so hardly, I could barely breathe.

"Be careful!" I gasped, "I can barely breathe!"

She quickly tied the back and went to slip her gold gown on.

She turned around, "How do I look?"

She looked gorgeous with the gown on. Its sparkles made her face glow with excitement and her hair was tied in an elegant back bun.

"You look amazing!" I exclaimed, "I'll give you my lipstick."

I reached into my purse to grab my lipstick but pulled out a small piece of folded parchment instead. I hadn't remembered ever using this parchment. I unfolded the parchment and read it:

come to the yule ball with me - Tom

I read it in shock, realizing that I hadn't even given him an answer. Perhaps Tom was too shy to ask me to the ball directly.

I tried ignoring my menacing thoughts about Tom and put on the beautiful smoky blue gown that Timothée had bought me. Isla claimed it was worth more than 100 galleons. I curled my hair and tied it in a back ponytail and wore some heels.

(for reference):

I begged Isla to tell me who she was going with but she didn't say a word

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I begged Isla to tell me who she was going with but she didn't say a word. She said she needed to go and left me alone in my common room.

I heard a loud crack and noticed Timothée on my bed.

"You can apparate?!" I shouted.

"I just learned." he got up and came close, in front of me.

"Thanks for the dress. You really shouldn't have." I blushed.

"You look beautiful in it." he smiled, reaching into the pocket of his dress robes.

He pulled out a gold heart necklace with his initials on them: T.C. and another little heart carved next to the letters.

He unclipped the necklace and reached around my neck, putting it on me.

"Timothée," I blushed again, "You didn't need to-"

He leaned in, brushing his lips gently onto mine. I felt his comfort and positive energy radiate around me. It was my first kiss. And it was incredible. He pulled away and smiled again.

"Let's go." he held his arm out and I looped my arm through it as we both went down the aisle with the other Triwizard Tournament champions and their dates.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now