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Isla didn't show up for Potions since she said that she was spending time with Professor Lupin, who didn't have a class at that time. So Tom took her seat and sat next to me.

"And we may finally learn how to do a Polyjuice Potion. But be careful– it can go horribly wrong." Professor Slughorn commented.

Tom glared at me and smiled, taking his quill and writing something down on some parchment.

"Turn to page 394." Slughorn continued, though I paid no attention to him.

Tom slipped a piece of parchment to me.

bet you'll let me fold you tonight (; it read.

I blushed and began turning to page 394 when Tom grabbed my bare thigh. I took a deep breath and ignored it but couldn't help how turned on I was.

"The Polyjuice Potion can be very complex and time-consuming," Slughorn informed.

Tom hand was completely out of sight, in my skirt. I felt him *massage* me.

"However with it, you can change the appearance of yourself to match one of another person."

a lil *smut* warning (skip to the asterisks if smut makes you uncomfortable)

He put his hand in my panties and started fingering me, slowly. I tried not to moan but it wasn't easy. His long finger kept squeezing itself in me. I bit my lip and gripped the seat under me.

"This potion has two separate parts..."

Tom leaned in to me and whispered, "How you like that?"

"Riddle!" Slughorn shouted, "You haven't been paying attention all class."

He pulled his finger out and acted like nothing had happened, plastering on his schoolboy face.

"I'm terribly sorry, professor. She's very distracting." Tom signaled to me, and licked the finger he had fingered me with.

"Both of you– detention. Starting now. The rest of you are dismissed."


Slughorn made us both sit on opposite sides of the room, which made it even more boring. Detention was the worst. When it was finally over, (about two hours later) we both went outside and walked around together– holding hands.

We happened to spot the Ravenclaws practicing quidditch. And Theo was there.

"He's so dead." Tom muttered, letting go of my hand and grabbing his wand.

"Serpensortia!" he shouted as a massive King Cobra appeared through black smoke.

Then he literally hissed something to the snake and it slithered away to Theo. I was awestruck. Tom spoke parseltongue. Was he the heir of Slytherin?

"Tom– what are you doing?" I asked, tugging on his robe.

He smirked evilly, "Just making sure Theo never grabs your ass again."

The snake bit Theo on his leg and he immediately fell to the ground. It was as if he was having a seizure.

"TOM! HE'LL DIE!" I yelled, but he put his wand in his jeans pocket and began walking away.

"That's the point." he smirked, grabbing my hand.

"You're going too far!"

"Really?" he paused, while stopping in front of me, "I might have to erase your memory then..."

"No!" I exclaimed, "Please– I promise– I won't tell anyone–"

He caressed my cheek with his soft hand, "Come over tonight."

"As long as Theo doesn't die." I told him.

"I'm sure he'll be just fine," he smirked, "I'll fuck you tonight– I mean I'll see you tonight..."

And with that, he walked away.

I didn't know what to think about what Tom had done to Theo. I had never seen him so– apathetic.

That night, I put on some cute pink lingerie underneath my outfit and walked over to his common room. Once he snuck me in, we talked a while by the fireplace. I hadn't heard anything about Theo. Neither did I want to.

Tom's strong arms were around me. As we were cuddling, I started to play with the little strings on his grey sweatpants until he got a boner. I let down my hair and took off my shirt.

"It's really hot in here." I smirked at him.

"Well, we are in front of a fireplace..." he smiled, looking down at his boner.

I stared at him for a while, "Where's everyone else?"

"Sleeping," he replied, "I could go all night, my dear."

"I know you can..." I smirked, grabbing his face to mine.

He kissed me, leaned into my ear, and whispered in his sexy, soothing voice, "You should really start taking birth control. We do this too often."

He pulled away from me, smirking and pulled off my skirt.

He pulled his wand out of his robe then took it off. He gaped his mouth slightly, staring at me and put the tip of his wand on my neck.

"Obscuro." he whispered as a black blindfold appeared over my eyes.

I smiled, "This is new..."

*SMUT* what's new? (skip if smut makes you uncomfortable)

I felt his body on top of mine. His skin was so inviting. His breath was so seducing. I felt him breathe over my pussy and his teeth pull off my panties.

He kissed my thigh then whispered, "I like your lingerie, by the way."

He put his tongue inside of me and began eating me out. I moaned and pulled his soft, curly hair. I loved his hair. He continued for the next five minutes then I felt him grab my hands and lead them to the lining of his sweats. I pulled his sweats off myself and felt his member push inside of me. I grabbed onto his hair more firmly and moaned louder. But he put his hand over my mouth and said, "Shhh."

He kept on going and we both started sweating both from the heat of our sex and the fireplace next to us.

I felt him kiss my shoulder but as I moaned again he covered my mouth with his strong, muscular hand.

He pulled out before he came and after his orgasm, we both decided to go back to our dormitories.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now