lose control

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trailer 6:

your POV

In Defence Against the Dark Arts, Isla wouldn't stop gushing over how good Professor Lupin looked that day. But I couldn't stop staring outside, at Mattheo– who was "guarding" our classroom. He smiled at me flirtatiously but then I noticed the two girls next to me blushing over him as well. I pointed my wand at them subtly and muttered, "Furnunculus." as pimples appeared all over their faces.

After class, I tried looking for Mattheo but didn't find him. So I kept on walking with Isla until I noticed him walking towards me with a smirk and a small piece of parchment in his hand. He handed it to me, winking and walked away.

"Who's that?" Isla asked, highly interested.

I looked at the piece of parchment.

It was in invisible ink so I pointed my wand to it and said, "Aparecium."

It said, So let's get butterbeer tomorrow (;

Isla stared down at the parchment as nosy as ever, "Who is he?"

"Mattheo Lopez." I replied.

"I've never seen him before."

"He's protecting our school– you know– from Tom." I whispered the last part.

"You know– he kinda looks like Tom." she answered.

"I know, right?" I replied, going on to tell her about my extremely awkward experience first meeting him.

So I went out with him the next day to Hogsmeade. I noticed he was very sweet and kind. And something about him reminded me of Tom. I didn't want to let go of Tom but something told me it was for the better.

During the nighttime, he took me to the greenhouse. It reminded me of my first kiss with Timothée. Tom had killed him too.

He smoked a cigarette, staring into the sky, "The sky's beautiful."

I stared at him but he turned back to me, walking closer.

His dark eyes gazed into mine, longingly. He dropped his cigarette and stepped on it, focusing his stare on me once again.

"There's a party you should come to. It's in New York but we can apparate there easily." he told me.

His smirk sent shivers down my spine.

I didn't answer, still awestruck by how handsome he looked in the moonlight.

"It's tomorrow night," he began pacing, "Are you coming or not?"

I thought for a second then swiftly answered, "Sure."

He smirked again and grabbed my face with his right hand, bringing my face closer to his.

"You're really something else..." he whispered.

"Just kiss me." I whispered, desperate to taste his lips.

He didn't hesitate and smashed his lips onto mine. I ran my hands through his curly, dark hair, enduring the taste of his lush lips.

He pulled away from me for a moment and panted, "Man, you're so hot."

I tasted cigarette smoke as he kissed me again, using his tongue excessively.

Eventually, we stopped our make-out session and he walked me back to my common room, both of us satisfied. I was about to walk in when he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

He leaned into my ear and whispered, "I'll stop by at 10 tomorrow."

He gave a quick but almost seductive wink and walked away, still staring at me. I closed the door gently, smiled, and squealed, not loud enough to be heard.


The party was anything but low-key. It was loud with people everywhere. Mattheo led me to a couch, which we both sat on and he went to get us both drinks. I eyed him pouring a bottle of Bourbon across the room then realized a tall guy in a white mask staring in my direction. I looked back at him. He wore a long, black coat and his hair was dark and curly. He brought an overwhelming sense of familiarity over me. And just then Mattheo came back, giving me a small glass of Bourbon. He put his arm around me and his hand on my thigh. I looked again for the guy in the mask but he was nowhere to be found.

"We should really dance..." Mattheo whispered, standing up and grabbing my hand.

I took a quick sip of the drink, then put it on the coffee table.

I was still nervous in the new environment so I looked around, anxiously– rocking back and forth.

Mattheo noticed my discomfort and touched my shoulder, "Get loose, Amiri. I wanna see you lose control."

"I– I just need to freshen up in the bathroom. I'll be back."

I marched straight to the bathroom, slamming the door with my wand and fanning myself with my hand. I wasn't even sure if this was a muggle party– or something else. However, I decided to "get loose" like Mattheo had said. I took off my jacket and went to go dance with him. It actually ended up being much fun. And of course, things between Mattheo and I managed to get pretty sexual on the dance floor. Isla would have killed me if she saw what I was doing. I even tried a little white paper Mattheo gave me. And I felt as if I were on some other planet, riding in Mattheo's Ferrari.


I woke up in my bed, feeling drowsy and exhausted. Mattheo happened to be next to me. Thankfully, it was the weekend and I didn't have to worry about being late to my classes. And I was relieved that my clothes were still on.

I went to take a shower, noticing that Isla wasn't in her bed. I assumed that she was either with Lupin or getting breakfast. After starting the water to take a shower, I looked in the mirror and took off the necklace that Tom gave me. It felt wrong. But I was with Mattheo now.

Once the water reached my desired temperature, I went in the shower but heard footsteps and nervously peeked outside the shower curtains, only to see Mattheo.

"What are you doing here?" I teased.

"Do I really need to answer that question, baby?" he replied, looking in the mirror.

"You aren't even supposed to be here. Those are the rules." I said back.

But he slowly walked closer to me and looked me dead in the eyes, "Let's change the rules then."

He unbuckled his belt and pulled off his white T-shirt. And my heart skipped about ten thousand beats.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now