some people deserve to die

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tom's POV

Depression seemed to sweep me away like a hurricane. I started drinking a lot just to forget about her. While I was drinking some firewhisky on the couch, Alanis came up to me and grabbed my thigh.

"What's wrong, baby?" she whispered seductively.

"Nothing," I lied, "Just tired."

"I know what can help..." she went on, curling a piece of my hair with her long blue fingernail.

She started lap dancing on me then unbuttoned my shirt. It felt so wrong but I knew that I needed an escape from my mind. She took off my shirt, then hers, and unbuckled my belt. She got on her knees and gave me what I was craving for so long. Lust.

After it, I stared outside the window of the apartment at the stars and waved my wand to turn off all the lights. I muttered, "Accio." summoning a knife and traced the sharp edge of it on my arm.

The burning of the blade slicing my skin felt just like the burning in my heart. I just kept on thinking of Amiri with that random guy in the Ferrari. Had she really moved on so easily? I thought we had something different. Was it even worth sending that stupid letter to her?

I watched my blood drip down my arm and stain the carpet beneath me, as depressed as ever.

mattheo's POV

After that morning, MACUSA sent me a letter:

Mr. Mattheo Manuel Lopez,

Your mission to protect Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has been terminated. We have found the location of the wanted murderer Tom Marvolo Riddle and request that you invite him to your parents' Masquerade Ball on November eighth. We will send backup to catch Tom and he will be given the Dementor's kiss to prevent any further murders.

Sincerely, the Magical Congress of the United States

I tried to fathom what I had just read. I read it over about a thousand times to make sure I wasn't missing anything. But I realized I had just read that my brother Tom was a wanted murderer. The wanted murderer I was protecting Hogwarts from. I was looking forward to meeting Tom again until I knew he was the one behind those horrific murders. He had murdered innocent students– innocent people who deserved to live. It was my job to catch him and kill him myself. I was to use Amiri as bait to lure Tom in during the ball.

I went straight to Amiri's dormitory and yelled, "Why didn't you tell me that my brother is a murderer?!"

"W– what are you talking about?" she went on.

"Don't lie to me, babe," I demanded, "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

She looked down nervously and started blushing.

"You still like him," I paused, "don't you?"

"Well I– no I–"

"You were screwing a murderer, Amiri! A motherfucking murderer! Don't you think that's wrong?"

"I love him." she admitted as I became beyond jealous.

"No," I responded, "You don't. You're lying to yourself."

She stared at me for a long while, starting to cry.

I came closer to her and caressed her face, "Some people deserve to die."

"You're not going to–"

I smirked back at her, "And what's going to stop me? Please, I'll just handle this one myself."

"Mattheo– no! Please don't hurt him!" she screamed, but I left her dormitory before she could say any more.

your POV

Crying was the only thing I could possibly do. The boy who meant everything to me was being hunted down by the boy who I lusted for.

Out of my anger, I keyed his Ferrari and ripped up all of the pictures we took. I hated Mattheo for what he was going to do.


It had been three days since I had last talked to Isla and Mattheo. I felt as if I were losing everyone. Then Mattheo came up to my dormitory again while I was fixing my hair in the mirror. I chose to ignore him.

"You're not going to stay mad at me, are you?" he asked, pulling up a chair next to me.

I stayed silent and put my earrings on while he grabbed my bare thigh and looked in the mirror at the two of us.

"We look good together, Amiri. You belong with me. And I belong with you."

I snapped my head back to glare at him. At that moment, I just longed to start having hardcore sex with him. I wasn't sure why, though. I just wanted him all over me.

I grabbed his face and kissed him. After we pulled away, he smirked and pushed me on the bed, climbing on top of me. He pulled off my lace panties and grinded on me, kissing my neck unrestrainedly. You can already imagine what ended up happening. We fucked until Isla walked in, covering her eyes and screaming for us to stop.

The night of the masquerade ball Mattheo took me to was on November eighth and I strictly remember everything that took place. Isla apologized for trying to control my dating life and we both made up. As for Mattheo, he dropped the entire "killing Tom" thing and said he would ignore the whole "Tom drama." Isla and I put on our best dresses and found sequined masks and went to the masquerade ball. The ballroom was gigantic, with black and gold marble floors and beautiful gold architecture everywhere you looked. Above us was an enormous glitter chandelier with candles lined around it.

With Mattheo's arm in mine, I looked around more and all three of us sat down at a reserved table. At the table were three other people. They all looked very different yet so unemotional.

While we were having drinks and people were dancing, I noticed someone familiar. The same guy in the white and gold mask I had seen at that party, was sitting at a few tables in front of me, next to about five others wearing similar masks. He turned his face toward my direction and stared at me.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now