my first i love you

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i never showed you trailer 2 so:

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i never showed you trailer 2 so:

tom's POV

Theo was dead and I felt as if I were becoming more powerful– the more people I killed. However, things didn't go well. Aurors working for the Ministry burst through my common room and all pointed their wands at me.

"Mr. Tom Marvolo Riddle. You are being arrested and sent to Azkaban Prison for the murders of Reginald Staff, Duke Evans– Daisy Evans' father, Clarice Heggins, and Theodore Garrett. Drop your wand." a dark-haired witch muttered.

Well, they never found out that I killed my father.

I dropped my wand, thinking of a way to get out of this. But I went with them willingly and they locked me up in Azkaban– in the middle of nowhere. I was just trying to figure out how they knew. My plan was supposed to be foolproof.

An hour after trying to figure out how I would escape, someone announced that I had a visitor. I thought it might be Amiri, but it ended up being her aunt.

"So you really thought you'd get away with killing all those people?" she asked with a smirk, "I told you. You're just like your mother– heartless."

"You told them! How did you know?!" I shouted.

"Oh, I didn't tell them what you did. I told them what I thought you did. Another boy named– Timothée– I believe– he told them about you..."

"I knew it." I muttered.

"Honestly, I just came here to say..." she paused and leaned in, "You are never going to see my niece. Ever again."

She rose up again and smiled, "Goodbye. Hope you like it here!"

And she slammed the door and left.

back to your POV

My aunt practically broke the door down, rushing into my common room.

"W- what's wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, it's horrible!" she said, dreadfully.

"What?" I asked, beginning to get impatient.

"It's about Tom!" she shouted.

"W- What about him?!" I shouted back

"He's gone to Azkaban. For the murders of 4 innocent people– 3 of which attended your school..."

"You're a liar! I already told you– he's not like that!"

"Then why isn't he here? Look all over the castle, sweetheart. He's not here. He's there!" she pointed away from me.

Out of shock and disbelief, I collapsed on my bed, "Tell me this isn't true. Tell me this isn't true." I whispered to myself.

"Oh, but it is..." Aunt Penelope chimed in, "Who do you think murdered that poor boy, Reginald? The boy accused was framed. How did Clarice just disappear? And what about Theodore? He died from a snake bite! Only Tom can speak parseltongue. He's a murderer, honey. And he's where all murderers go. In Azkaban."

I tried to breathe but I couldn't. I started to have a panic attack and only remember blacking out– completely.


I woke up in my bed but couldn't shake what my had aunt said out of my mind. Tom was a murderer. I had been kissing, fucking, and loving a murderer.

Isla wanted me to go with her to the Third Task of the tournament. I wondered if she had even knew about Tom. She had been right. He was evil. But I stayed in my common room. I didn't want to go to the last task. I just wanted to be alone.

tom's POV

To escape, I knew I needed my wand. I remember telling Gerald that if I ever got in trouble– he would have to help me out of it– in exchange for the love potion I brewed. I waited for him to help me out, hopelessly. As the sky darkened, I felt more lonely than ever before. Amiri had probably figured that I was a murderer by now. Just when it felt as if all hope was lost, I spotted Gerald outside my tiny window, on a broom.

"Confringo!" he shouted, pointing his wand at the rocky side of the window. An explosion occurred and I was capable of escaping. The window was now large enough for me to get through.

"Hurry up! They'll be here any minute!" Gerald shouted.

I got on the broom and we flew away from Azkaban. I asked him to take me to the Forbidden Forest. He didn't feel secure with that idea but did it anyways and left me there, summoning my wand and giving it to me. I was just waiting for Timothée to show up. He had to be the winner. I had turned the Triwizard Cup into a portkey.

I waited for a long time. I just wanted to get it over with and say goodbye to Amiri. And then he showed up. I stood up straight, from leaning against the tree and told him, "You know– you really shouldn't have told them about me–"

Timothée aimed his wand at me, "Expelliarmus!"

But I darted away from him, "Levicorpus!"

He was hoisted into the air by his ankle and I didn't think to let him go.

"You really had the nerve to think that Amiri really loves you?" he shouted.

I let him go and he fell, his nose began bleeding.

He grunted, still attempting to stand, "She's just your dirty little slut."

"Secumseptra!" I shouted, slitting his neck.

He grabbed his neck, which was slit open, blood gushing out and fell to the ground. He couldn't talk so he just coughed up blood and bled out until he died.

For some reason, I felt so guilty. I felt as if I had gone too far. So I found all of my horcruxes and destroyed them. I burned them all myself.

I ran away and apparated to Amiri's dormitory. She was laying down on her bed.

She stood up, "What the hell are you doing here? You shouldn't be here– they'll catch you."

"I can explain–" I began.

"I can't believe you're a murderer!" she glared at me and backed away, holding her wand up.

Her eyes began to water, "Stay the hell away from me!"

"No," I firmly said, "I won't. I'll change, love."

She sighed, crying and hugged me.

"Promise me." she whispered.

"I promise." I told her, hugging her back.

"Crucio!" she shouted, pointing her wand at me.

I couldn't believe she had done that to me. Despite, the extreme amount of pain I told her, "S- stop! Amiri-"

She broke down again and let go of her wand, falling to the floor.

After recovering from the curse, I hugged her, on the floor.

"I'm– so sorry." she cried, caressing my face.

"I deserved it." I told her.

But then I heard voices from outside the room and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I love you. Goodbye." I frowned, disapparating.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now