let's go for a stroll

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That kiss was a mistake for so many reasons. My guilt felt like a weight on my back since I had cheated on Timothée. I thought after a few days, I would forget about the entire thing since Tom was the one who kissed me anyway. But right when I thought things were somewhat okay, it all blew up in my face. I was in the library studying, planning to hurtfully tell Timothée about that kiss when Timothée stormed in and forcefully pulled a chair up to the table I was sitting at.

"Does he kiss you better than I do?" he rambled.

"Tawny- he kissed me. I didn't expect him to." I explained but he held up his hand.

"You've always had a thing for him- even if you didn't intend to. I see the way you look at him," he continued glumly, "You don't love me like you said you did."

I grabbed his soft hand, "But I do! Tom's just a-"

"A what?" he exclaimed, tears starting to form in his beautiful green eyes, "You like him better."

"Tawny I-"

"Don't 'Tawny' me! We're done. You can be with Tom now. That's what you've always wanted anyways." he walked away with his hands in his pockets, looking down.

I ran to my dormitory where Isla was, bawling.

"Amiri, what's wrong?" she asked, worriedly.

I ran to her and hugged her, seeking some form of comfort.

She hugged me back and stroked my head gently. We stayed there on the bed for some time, as I still cried into her chest.

But then I pulled away, my eyes red from the tears.

"What on earth happened?"

"Timothée broke up with me," I sniffled, "Because he saw Tom kiss me."

"Tom kissed you? He doesn't kiss anyone!"

"That's not the point." I sniffled again.

"It's okay, honey," Isla comforted me, patting my head, "He's just a boy,"

Soon, it was about 7 o'clock at night and I was far too depressed to sleep. So instead I went back to the astronomy tower to look at the night sky. I stayed there for an hour until Tom came and sat down right next to me. He could sense I was upset since he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I lied.

"That's a lie," he said standing up and putting his hand out, "Come with me. Let's go for a stroll."

I took it unwillingly and we both went walking down the corridors to the lake, where we both sat down.

We both stared down silently.

"Is it about your boyfriend?" he asked.

"He's not my boyfriend anymore."

"W- what? Why?"

"He saw you kiss me, Tom. And he keeps on saying I like you more than him." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Do you, though?" he asked, staring down from my lips to my eyes.

"I- I don't know," I said, "I wish I could just talk to my mom about this."

"Just send her an owl."

"She died," I said, "And my dad did too. Years ago."

"I'm sorry," he sympathized, "I had no idea."

"My uncle killed them," I continued, getting up, "He did dark magic."

I walked back over to him and moved my body close to his, "And so do you."

I turned back around, "Why? You're so- you're so- annoying!"

He stared at me in awe.

"I can't seem to decide if I want you- or if I hate you- or if you're dangerous- or if you-"

He grabbed my face and kissed me like last time, shoving his tongue down my throat. His lips intertwined with mine and he bit my lip as we kissed. I threw my arms around his neck and gave in, willingly this time. We pulled away after a while, both panting and breathing hard.

"Don't tell me you didn't like that." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and gently pushed him away.

"There's a party in my common room," he explained, "It's tonight. Would you like to come with me?"

"How am I even supposed to get in?"

"We'll just use an invisibility cloak. Are you coming or not?"

"Sure," I smiled, "I just need some time to get ready."

Later that night, I looked in the bathroom mirror, fixing my hair. I put some makeup on and dressed in a little off-the-shoulder yellow dress for the party. I was actually quite ecstatic considering that I had never been to a slytherin house party before.

"Are you going somewhere?" Isla barged in, interrupting my thoughts.

"Uh- no." I lied.

"So you're getting dressed up at seven thirty for no reason?"

"Um- yeah." I said.

"Amiri, where are you going?"

"I'll tell you if you promise to let me go."

"Only if it's safe!"

I smiled, "I'm going to a slytherin house party Tom invited me to!"

"You're insane," she said, "Do you know what 'he practices dark magic' means?!"

"He's not that bad." I said.

She sighed, "Fine. Just don't do anything stupid."

I hugged her, "Thanks for letting me go!"

We had agreed to meet in the library and after about five minutes, he showed up, wearing a navy blue button down shirt and black dress pants. His shirt was tucked in and a black belt was buckled around his pants. He held out his hand and I grabbed it. He swiftly brought me close to him and smiled. Then he walked me to his common room.

"Am I even allowed to come?" I asked him.

"Nobody said you couldn't." he smirked.

"Put this on!" he whispered, handing me an invisibility cloak, "Now stand aside."

get in the mood before you read part 11 --->

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now