all yours

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I cuddled with Tom in his bed for about twenty minutes. Him holding me in his arms was all I really needed.

He planted a kiss on the top of my head while playing with a strand of my hair and whispered, "What kind of mood are you in?"

I glared at him, looking into his eyes. I put my arms around his neck, "A sexy mood."

He smirked at me, "Let me undress you."

I licked his cheek, putting his hand on my inner thigh.

"I'm so horny." he whispered again, gripping my thigh so hard that it got red.

*SMUT* (ahaha- not sorry) (skip to the asterisks if smut makes you uncomfortable)

He looked deeply into my eyes and pulled off the white T-shirt he was wearing. He pushed me on the bed, made out with my neck, and grinded on me, still wearing his jeans.

"We do this too much." I whispered.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." he smirked, pulling my lace tank top off.

He slowly climbed his hand up my skirt then put his hand in my panties. He fingered me for five minutes then pulled down my panties.

"Can you pull them down?" he smirked again, looking down at the bulge in his boxers.

I nodded and did what he asked me to. I felt another sense of burning, lingering pleasure as he pushed himself inside me.

I loudly moaned and bit my lip. He went in harder and faster until he got bored of that position and got into the doggy position. He began fucking me hard then pulled my hair back.

"You're all mine." he said, through gritted teeth.

"All yours." I moaned, gripping the bedsheet under me.

"Don't forget that." he continued.

"How could I?"

He kissed my neck from behind me and muttered in my ear, "Moan my name, babe."

He pushed himself inside me so deep, he could have destroyed my insides.

I moaned his name, "Tom!"

Just like he told me to.


My aunt began working at my school as a Care for Magical Creatures teacher. It was awkward seeing her walk around the school. I felt like her eyes were always on me. I guess she was my aunt, so maybe she just was looking out for me. I decided to steer clear of Tom for a few days since I didn't really want people to know we were together. But of course, it didn't last long.

I got to my common room early that afternoon and saw Isla smiling in the mirror, brushing her curly black hair.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Oh- nothing," she lied.

"Okay, sure." I said sarcastically, "What is it?"

"I screwed- uh- Lupin."

My mouth gaped, "You're not really the golden girl anymore, are you Isla?"

She blushed, "I guess not."

She sat down on her bed and continued, "There's a new guy coming to our school from Ilvermorny."


"I don't know- maybe you'd know him. Oh and by the way- the last task of the tournament is next Monday. I really hope Timothée wins it for us!"

I ignored the fact that she mentioned Timothée, "I heard they're having hot chocolate at the library now. Want me to get us some?"

"Yes, please!" Isla exclaimed, "And if you see Remus, tell him I said 'hi'."

"Okay," I said, leaving to the library.

As I was walking, Tom came from behind me, wrapped my arms around my waist, and kissed my neck.

"How are you, my love?" he asked.

"Tom- I don't want people to-"

"Nobody's here." he interrupted, "Where are you going?"

"To get some hot chocolate for Isla and I- what are you-"

He carried me in his arms and kissed me, right on my lips. And then I noticed my aunt strutting down the corridor we were in.

He let me down as she came over to the both of us.

"Enjoying ourselves, are we?" she told us, intimidatingly.

"Um- we were just- we were-" I stuttered.

"We were about to go study in the library," Tom told her, "Let's go, Amiri."

"Wait," my aunt said, "Amiri, honey. Auntie needs to speak with you."

She then glared at Tom, unimpressed, "Privately."

"I'll meet you there." I told Tom, leaving with my aunt.

She pulled me away from him violently and snapped, "What are you doing with this boy?"

I crossed my arms, "Why does it matter to you?"

"Your parents left me to protect you! That boy is dangerous."

"How do you know that?"

"Because he's a Slytherin, Amiri. Remember the story I told you about the Slytherin girl I dated? She was a monster."

"You're overgeneralizing," I replied, "Just leave me alone."

I ignored my aunt's speculations and went to the library with Tom. I forgot all about getting Isla the hot chocolate and Tom and I ended up making out until late at night. I did give him a blowjob in the library but we almost got caught so we took it back to my common room. Isla wasn't there, which was perfect. Once we got back, I asked him, "What do you want to do now?"

He smiled at me, "If I'm being honest- I just want to wrap my hands around your throat and make sure you're not seeing anyone else."

He firmly grabbed my jaw, "Otherwise, I'll slit their throats."

He pulled his hand away and smiled, "That's all, love."

"Just ride me."

If you couldn't already guess, we ended up having sex again. It was great sex. It always was.


"Where's my hot chocolate?" Isla teased, as she walked in, "I've been waiting for you for hours."

"A lot happened," I admitted, "I saw Tom when I was walking there, my aunt talked to me, and Tom and I kind of- messed around again."

"Again? It's been like three times!" she exclaimed.

"It's actually been like 5."

"You better be careful!" she informed, "I never knew you were so... bad."

"Don't act innocent either! I saw you and Lupin in the classroom earlier today. You were both very very touchy."

"Okay, that's enough!" she yelled, starting to blush, "We should get some sleep."

"I agree." I said, getting in bed.


The next morning went well until Isla pointed out the new boy she had talked about from Ilvermorny when we were having breakfast in the Great Hall. The boy who I didn't seem to care for until I saw him. My ex-boyfriend who I never thought to mention- Mason Greeves.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now