a romance movie

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I was walking back to my common room one night, after getting some fresh air. I heard some voices in Snape's Potions classroom and decided to check them out.

I muttered, "Colloportus!" waving my wand and the door unlocked, flying open.

"What's going on?" I asked immediately, rushing in the classroom.

Then I saw Tom holding his wand at Timothée's throat.

"Why don't you ask-" Timothée began.

"Silencio." said Tom, swooping his wand down then abruptly waving it down.

Timothée opened his mouth as if he were talking, but no words came out. Tom had used the Silencing Charm on him.

"I'm only talking to him about the tournament. He needs to be careful if he wants our school to win." said Tom.

But Timothée was shaking his head violently.

"Are you sure? You're not threatening him, are you?" I asked, holding up my wand.

"Of course not," Tom said, in a serious tone, "Why would I need to do that?"

I scoffed, "I shouldn't even be talking to you- I should leave-"

"Why shouldn't you be talking to me?" he asked.

I turned back around and stared at his confused but beautiful face.

I crossed my arms and stared down, "I heard what you did to Isla and her friend. Is it true that you only like pure-bloods?"

He blinked his eyes once, "N- no. Where'd you hear rubbish like that from?"


"Well- I," he paused, "Look, Amiri- I've changed. I'm not my immature eleven year-old self anymore."

"I hope not," I said, "I'll just- leave then. Goodbye."

I left awkwardly, not believing a single word he had said.

I went to Hogsmeade the next day with Isla. We shopped at Honeydukes for most of the time and eventually went back to the castle. I realized that I had forgotten one of my textbooks in the greenhouse, so I went there to go find it. But instead I found Timothée wandering around.

"Um, hi." I awkwardly said.

He turned around and smiled, "Oh, hi."

"I was wondering-" he walked closer to me, "Did you want to maybe go to the Yule Ball with me?"

I stared at him. He looked flustered. His hair was messy, his face was flushed, and his hands trembled.

"I just thought- since we- you know we're-" he stuttered.

"Of course I'll go with you." I smiled.

He smiled again, "Great! And- here's your book. I think you left it-"

As he gave me my book back, I touched his index finger accidentally. It felt as if we were in a romance movie. I stared at him for what seemed like eternity but eventually took my book, smiled back at him, and walked away.

Everyone was so excited for the Yule Ball, as was I. I had never been to a dance or a ball of any sort and I couldn't believe I was going with one of the most popular guys at Hogwarts. Timothée was everything I looked for in a guy. He was athletic, smart, and handsome. He was perfect.

Isla told me she got a date but didn't want to tell me who the person was. I had a feeling she was hiding something from me. But I thought it was fair- since I was still hiding my relationship with Tom from her. I only saw Tom as someone I messed around with for fun. I knew that I shouldn't get too attached to him, especially after what Isla had said about him.

During that month of December, I occasionally saw Tom but only walking around. He seemed to spend a lot of time in his common room. I knew he was an introvert but it did hurt a little to know that he didn't bother to make any kind of conversation with me.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now