entrapped in his beauty

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"I'm Amiri," I replied to him, smiling and blushing like an idiot

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"I'm Amiri," I replied to him, smiling and blushing like an idiot.

But then Slughorn interrupted, "Riddle! Care to tell me what an Elixir to Induce Euphoria Potion does? Tell me in detail."

Slughorn crossed his arms and I turned back to my desk, nervously hoping he wouldn't call on me next.

"Well, an Elixir to Induce Euphoria Potion is a sunshine-yellow potion that brings about a sense of irrational happiness- er- euphoria in an individual. It emits a rainbow when it is finished and its side effects include singing and nose-tweaking." Tom explained.

Slughorn's mouth gaped, "V- very good. Why do I even teach?"

He laughed nervously, "Now, let's learn about the ingredients to this potion."

After class, I waited for Tom outside the classroom. He was walking out of the class when I jumped up in front of him, "How did you know?"

"Pardon?" he asked, confusedly.

"How did you know about the Elixi to Introduce-"

"The Elixir to Induce Euphoria Potion?" he corrected me.

I immediately felt stupid, "Um, yeah."

"It's actually quite simple," he stopped walking and stood in front of me, "I study."

I stared at him shockingly.

"Yes, I know. It's crazy," he sarcastically remarked, "I read all of my textbooks before we start school. I'll talk to you another time, Amiri. I must finish reading Flesh-Eating Trees Volume 3. Goodbye."

Then he left, walking down the corridor.

I went to the Great Hall and sat down next to Isla and Nigel.

"Where have you been?" Isla exclaimed.

"I was- talking to- Slughorn," I muttered unnaturally, "I want to get ahead of things in class."

"Okay," Isla murmured suspiciously, "Beauxbatons and the Durmstrang Institute are coming to our school for the tournament! I'm just not sure when..."

"Where do you hear all of this rubbish anyways?" Nigel asked.

"The Quibbler," said Isla.

"The Quibbler is in no way reliable!" Jeremy shouted.

"That's not true," Isla crossed her arms.

"So if the tournament's happening, that means that the Yule Ball is happening here too!" exclaimed Nigel.

"The Triwizard Tournament is the one where a student of each school is selected to do tasks, right?" I asked.

"Yes," Isla answered, "It's exhilarating!"

"Who would you go with to the ball?" Nigel asked Isla.

Isla started blushing, "It's embarrassing! I can't say. How about you?"


"Clarice?! She's awful!" exclaimed Isla.

"Shush down, will you?" Jeremy whispered, "She's right over there, by the rest of the Slytherins."

"Who is she?" I asked, curiously.

"She's in our year," Isla replied, "But I would stay clear of her. She's said false rumors about me before. And she wants Tom all to herself."

"T- Tom?" I stuttered, "As in Tom Riddle?"

"Yeah," Isla continued, "But Tom doesn't have a heart so she'll never have him. No one will."

I immediately started feeling sick to my stomach for some reason.

Isla noticed and uneasily asked, "Amiri, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess I better be heading to the common room. I just have a stomachache."

I got up, lightly clutching my stomach as I stumbled to the common room. I laid on my bed until the stomachache went away. Isla came in about twenty minutes later and asked, "Are you fine? Is the stomachache gone?"

"Yes," I replied, "It must have been something I ate."

Isla laid on my bed next to me, "I saw you talking to him, you know."


"Tom!" Isla exclaimed, "Please- just be careful around him. He's very malicious."

"He doesn't seem like it."

"Maybe to you- you're a pure-blood."

"He doesn't know that."

"If you were a half-blood I guarantee you, he wouldn't even dare to look at you!"

I stared at her. It seemed as if something bothered her.

"Look, I'm muggle-born. And he knows it. He was messing with a bunch of muggle-borns last year, including me. He hexed me. And my friend. After that, she transferred to another wizarding school."

She looked down, depressingly and I immediately felt horrible. Maybe Tom just wasn't how he seemed. Maybe Isla was right about him.

She continued angrily, remembering what had happened, "He used the Stickfast Hex on me. My shoes stuck to the ground and I was so late to my Divination class; I got detention. As for my friend, all of her hair fell off. And it was because of him. The point is- we don't hang out around him."

I stared down for a few moments, "You're right. I guess I was just entrapped in his beauty."

She slightly smiled, "Thanks for understanding. Let's get to bed."

We both tucked ourselves in bed and peacefully fell asleep.


After what Isla had told me about Tom harassing her and her friend, I steered clear of him. I tried my best to ignore him, although he hadn't even spoken a word to me.

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang came that next day for the tournament as Isla had said. I noticed a cute Durmstrang student but also one of the most adorable Gryffindors I had ever seen talking to Dumbledore after the other schools had been introduced. He had a smile that lit up the mood and his face glowed. I could tell that he was a 'life of the party' kind of person. His hair was messy and curly, parted in the middle and a strong jawline and two beautiful green eyes added to his beauty. He caught my eye but I turned away, shyly.

After we all ate, I went to the common room to try and start one of my essays for Divination. But I couldn't seem to understand the subject of Palmistry very well. So I went to the library and agreed to meet Isla there so she could help me.

However after waiting for thirty minutes without Isla showing up, I started dozing off until I realized that there was another student in the library. I took it as an opportunity and wanted to ask them if they were any good at Divination so they could tutor me. As I approached the student, I realized then that it was Tom. He was the one, sitting down and writing on some parchment.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒓 • tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now